Pre-Order Thread



First Botch then Cave In reissues! My 90's Metalcore heart is so happy right now!

Pretty nice little Willie tribute album here.


Still some silver left. Better get on this asap.

OMG. Ok so this is really huge for me. I've been wanting a copy of the Your Name soundtrack by Radwimps for several years now and it's finally getting a repress and colored as well. Weathering With You is also getting a repress and colored!

My wallet hurts... I better go sell some retro games from my personal collection to recover from this.
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I remember being weirded out when 2000s band were getting a bunch of 10 year anniversary reissue. At this point there’s a new anniversary every day. I think I am more desensitized to it now.

Now it takes weird facts like that if We thawed out Austin Powers today he would have been frozen in 1993 make me feel fucking old.
This is dumb by the way (i know what they are trying to say) but Austin Powers would have still been frozen in the 60's. lol