Pre-Order Thread





it will always bother me that they cut We Can Run from the Built to Last vinyl

LIMITED TO ONE PER PERSON/ADDRESS! Attempts to buy more than one will result in all orders being cancelled.

This was extremely unexpected. At 5:00 on 9/19/23 I Was having drinks with Modest Mouse across the street from the Rialto Theater where they were playing that night. Unprompted, Isaac said "We have these two weird songs we recorded at soundcheck last night, could you make some records for us to sell tonight?" I told him about the PIAPTK "Instant Merch Machine" Concept (previous releases from THe Fruit Bats, Oblivians/Reigning Sound, Spaceface, Arrington DiDionysio, SM Wolf, etc). He and Russell both drew onto a cocktail napkin, and my buddy Cash and I drove across Tucson to the studio and started pounding them out. 2 hours later, we were headed back to the venue with 72 copies for MM to sell that night. ANd the next day, we cut another 72 for PIAPTK to sell.

This is a one sided clear square with insert, limited to 144 copies. The two songs are more akin to the early Sad Sappy Sucker era weirdness than their more polished newer tracks, so please understand before you buy this that it is a weirdo rarity!

There is NO digital component to this. Analog only.

