Pre-Order Thread

View attachment 206743


Also going to be a pretty sweet variant of Harvest Records in Asheville but doesn't look like you can preorder it online.

Sorry people for not keeping up on my second job last week. Even @Twentytwo needs a vacation sometimes. I will now resume my regular shitposting/spamming of Needles and Grooves.
Gonna need a pre-excused note next time so we don’t think you’re in the hospital again, Mister Two.
One step linkin park titles…
Pw: Lp1step

View attachment 206754

Neat. Not sure how much better it can sound but glad audiophile stuff is moving past the 70's and earlier
Neat. Not sure how much better it can sound but glad audiophile stuff is moving past the 70's and earlier
The strange thing is that based on the one i quickly looked at, they are cut from 24/192 files....which seems to defeat the purpose of a one step....cut by Levi Seitz though and I think he does good work usually.
The strange thing is that based on the one i quickly looked at, they are cut from 24/192 files....which seems to defeat the purpose of a one step....cut by Levi Seitz though and I think he does good work usually.

It's strange. Especially since I didn't think the editions out there are bad. Still makes me wonder why Metallica hasn't gone the one step or mofi route yet