Pre-Order Thread


Exclusive “Milky Clear” LP with autographed 6” x 6” album art card
So how does sign up work to get this one? I don’t want the March record. Do I wait to April 1 or will I get this if I subscribe now?
It’s my understanding that if you sign up now you would get Chief Keef. I think you have to sign up after April 1st to get Elastica but I haven’t purchased anything from their club before so I am not sure how things work. If you sign up now if you can skip or opt out or something to ensure you get a copy. I know a few people on here have gotten the Dr. Dre and Helmet albums so I am sure some folks will have more details than me at this point I am just gonna try to sign up on April first and hope it doesn’t immediately sell out.
It’s my understanding that if you sign up now you would get Chief Keef. I think you have to sign up after April 1st to get Elastica but I haven’t purchased anything from their club before so I am not sure how things work. If you sign up now if you can skip or opt out or something to ensure you get a copy. I know a few people on here have gotten the Dr. Dre and Helmet albums so I am sure some folks will have more details than me at this point I am just gonna try to sign up on April first and hope it doesn’t immediately sell out.

I signed up for Helmet and immediately canceled. The really fun part was seeing the album reissued for RSD for like $20 less than the $48 I paid.

I'm not signing up again. This will either get reissued, or I'll buy a used copy later.


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I’ve been enjoying this tune for the last couple of weeks…

Is this record available state side anywhere? Can't find it on Bull Moose. I asked my local record shop if he could order it for me and he says it's not available to him.
I think these are sort of pressed to demand/d2c model if I remember from when I ordered from them before, so they don’t go through retail channels.
I think these are sort of pressed to demand/d2c model if I remember from when I ordered from them before, so they don’t go through retail channels.
If that is there case, are their at least any color variants anywhere? It ships from the UK, so if I'm paying that much for shipping mine as well open myself up to variants if they exist.

Wish I could get everything through my local record store.