Pre-Order Thread

I have probably heard 3 instrumental albums in my life.

Drive Soundtrack (The back half of it)
Intersteller Soundtrack
Tron Soundtrack

And the only instrumental album on my want list is Kno - Bones (Cunninlynguist)
So yeah I am very very slack with instrumental albums.
I really like instrumental albums when I have to code. It keeps me in a zone without distracting me with words. I don't know how better to put it but an ex of mine said the same thing. This spilled over into my regular listening. I also got old and started liking jazz.
I think SpongeBob said it best:
Surprised I didn’t see anything about the U2 releases posted.

And that Tweedy release is a slap in the face after all My RSD fretting over Warmer. But I’ll get over it cause Wilco Loves Me, Baby.
Surprised I didn’t see anything about the U2 releases posted.

And that Tweedy release is a slap in the face after all My RSD fretting over Warmer. But I’ll get over it cause Wilco Loves Me, Baby.

That is also an option as part of the 10$ off bundle mentioned above thru sound of vinyl

I really like instrumental albums when I have to code. It keeps me in a zone without distracting me with words. I don't know how better to put it but an ex of mine said the same thing. This spilled over into my regular listening. I also got old and started liking jazz.
I think SpongeBob said it best:

Im almost the same.

I usually play DJ Screw tho or some old memphis 666 stuff cause its very "instrumental" for the most part but with hype hooks so not all the way instru.

I also got old and started liking jazz.

Hahaha. Maybe I will give jazz attention when I get old aswell lol
Thanks, they are great and appreciate you posting this!

So as a follow up, Ida Mae just did an in- store in my town. They are a lovely couple from Bath. They were summoned by the legendary Ethan Johns to meet him at a secret studio and he ended up producing this record. Their resulting debut, "Chasing Lights", is excellent, I highly recommend it. Take a listen to their Paste in studio: