Pre-Order Thread

Thanks for the tag.
Got to get these before they sell out. Now just trying to figure out a way to pay for them. These are 1,000 copies each so they might last a little longer than the other limited presses. Thank goodness. I might have to wait until next Friday when I get paid to buy these.
I just keep mashing “buy” on stuff since time has no meaning so why should money.

I’m sure this will come back to haunt me somehow.
Welp I was wondering when I'd feel regret over dropping my VMP subs, and here we are!

VMP sells exclusives to non-members, yeah? We just have to pay shipping? Or has that changed?
I think the new thing is that exclusives will be open to everyone at launch but non-members pay more + shipping for it. Whether or not you'll have to pay shipping seems up in the the past few months some ex-members got free shipping and others had to pay for it. If it's way more expensive, shoot me a PM and I can potentially pick one up for you if it's not limited to one per person...
Yeah I like to order from LNT, but their shipping is usually really high, so figured I should probably consider all my options.
I have seen them in other US stores as well in the past...will try to see who else might have it in the US! But VMP (sadly) might be your best bet...
Yeah I like to order from LNT, but their shipping is usually really high, so figured I should probably consider all my options.
Yeah, with their shipping prices and those titles being a little high anyway, ordering the VMP version is pretty much a push unless they jacked the price on those above where the other ones were.