Pre-Order Thread

This is how I feel as well. I have a hard time supporting any artist who wants to charge me $60 for a double album.
It’s also grotesque from a band of this stature. They could make as much money, if not more (band and label) by selling it cheaper and printing more. I promise you Garth Brooks didn’t lose money on those box sets.

Doesn’t help that I’ve paid for this album three times. Cassette, CD and I own the 20th deluxe on digital.
I mean I would buy this, but I’m not going to. If I can get a deal, I might bite. But I’m not supporting this price point with out certain assurances.
I've definitely been more picky about what I pre order given vinyl prices and quality so I definitely understand. However, this is a nice shiney version of my all time favorite album so they win this time. Any other album I'd be thinking twice.
Pretty cool looking project, combining Mariachi music and The Legend of Zelda. Out in March, ordered based on that cover alone, but the pressing seems cool.

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Ltd to 1000 & 1500, get ‘EM while you can.

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I was able to get a copy of the sold out Dinked edition of this last night on the Banquet Records website. It's out of stock again, but if anyone is after it I'd just leave a tab open and check periodically.
I'm still waiting for my copy of Coral Island from Banquet records, been nearly 6 months since ordering, getting close to giving up and cancelling
I'm still waiting for my copy of Coral Island from Banquet records, been nearly 6 months since ordering, getting close to giving up and cancelling

They shipped my RSD order super fast. I think I got Coral Island from Norman Records. Both have been A+ for me.
Did they sell a copy they didn't actually have? Banquet was very quick to reply when I realized I used the wrong address for an order.
They shipped my RSD order super fast. I think I got Coral Island from Norman Records. Both have been A+ for me.
Did they sell a copy they didn't actually have? Banquet was very quick to reply when I realized I used the wrong address for an order.
they have done it a couple of times to me now and I'm still waiting for 2 records, one they have offered a replacement that I'm now chasing about 2 weeks after I gave them the ok to send the replacement as they couldn't get the colour I had ordered, my experience with them has been very hit and miss so I don't rely on them for pre orders now

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