New "Fern Belly" variant is up for preorder.
Limited to 1000. Plenty left
a new album from Haley Heynderickx shouldn't be too far out
I have an old Garrard changer (two, actually) if you want awaken your nostalgia!I miss stacking spindles...
Hell yes! Can finally get the last two I need to complete. Kikagaku Moyo represses of everything and they say they'll be the last for a while. Preorders on 4/20
Bully - Lucky For You Limited LP
Shop Bully - Lucky For You Limited LP at Urban Outfitters today. Discover more selections just like this online or in-store. Shop your favorite brands and sign up for UO Rewards to receive 10% off your next purchase!
With the huge RSD shopping list coming up in two weeks, I'm very grateful for the quiet Preorder thread lately.
Great 90s soundtrack:
Great Expectations Soundtrack (2-LP Set)
Alfonso Cuarón’s 1998 film changed a few things from the original Charles Dickens novel: Abel Magwitch became Arthur Lustig, Miss Havisham became Nora Dinsmoor, poor old Pip became Finn…and most importantly for our purposes, early 19th century London became 1990s New York! And so did
looks like they replaced the indigo girls' version of uncle john's band with the grateful dead's version, that sucksReally underrated 90s soundtrack! It stole a couple current radio singles, but the original songs aren't throwaways.
Getting this for sure.