Q&A Thread for Todd Fink (The Faint, AotM Vol. 32) - 2/22/22

Hey. Today, I interviewed Todd Fink from The Faint. Their album, 'Wet From Birth', is our AotM #32. Please make sure to check out the interview, as well as the band!

Awesome interview, @scotthilk ! Thanks for putting it in his head to do a whole Omaha band reunion show...that would be fucking amazing. I'll be at a Bright Eyes show next month, and I'll have to tell them Todd is in! Also all I could think about when he was talking was when he did that impression of Conor on An Attempt to Tip the Scales. They have a pretty similar drawl.
Thanks @scotthilk. I finally got around to watching this -tReally well done interview. I love the casual, off-the-cuff, conversation style, and it adds a ton of context to the music. Todd seems like a down-to-earth and approachable guy, which isn't always the case in the business.

I'm in for that Omaha show... of that crew, the Faint is the band I know the least, so I've got some work to do. Thanks for the tunes, the fun AOTM puzzle, and for the follow through on the interview.
Also, because I'm that kind of weirdo, I most definitely looked up Todd skating. He was good! And bonus points for those pants. I think I had the same ones 25+ years ago. It was a look, for sure.
