Question on noisy records

Really? The spin clean has always seemed uneffective to me. I've never used one, but it seems to me as a pool to get your records into, leaving the actual cleaning and drying to you. In my head, the vinyl vac would work better as the vacum would suck the grit and water out of the grooves, but of course I could be wrong in my appreciation of both the VV and the Spin Clean.

it has 2 brushes either side of the record that you pour the solution over. These ”scrub” the record to clean it. The solution causes muck to sink so you’re not rotating the next record through it. 5 rotations each way gets it nice and clean. Tend to get 15 records clean per full bath. You do have to dry them by hand but it’s seconds per record with their own cloths.

Vacuum cleaning is theoretically better but I, personally wouldn’t touch that one with a barge pole. I’d be worried that using one hand to hold the wand steady and one to turn the record would be too much and a slip could be easy and wreck my record. The very least I’d want is a fixed vacuum wand so I wasn’t having to hold it, I’d probably still not jump as an upgrade from my spin clean until I was getting one with a self spinning platter too.