Anyone who was on that forum was being mined for information and I'm sure they will continue to do so on reddit or anywhere their products are being discussed. Our opinions about artists, our likes, our dislikes, our suggestions, even our humor was informing that company. Sometimes we were asked directly. Usually not. They didn't give us credit. They even toke names for their services directly from forum suggestions. Was anyone paid for it. No. Were people thanked. Maybe...but then when they continued to fail from a logistics, QC, and operations standpoint and dissent grew and people suggested that they change their tactics they took a big

on the people who backed the company at every turn (see above). I know lots and lots of people here want to believe that these folks are just naive, dumb-dumbs who happen to have a company that sells records, but they very "intentionally" shut down that forum. They are not just stoned rich Colorado white guys. They are people with venture capitalist dollars to be beholden to. They are people with an image to maintain and they happen to sell records that are often warped.
I buy records from all kinds of crappy people and companies. As
@HiFi Guy said I can get them anywhere, but what made Voldemort me please a place that I wanted to buy them from was that they were presenting themselves as part of the cohort of the forum and not soulless corporate bankers that wear flannel and work in an open concept office. They want to be the classy Newbury imo. The want to own the market between the old white guys that buy jazz and rolling stone records and the people that shop strictly for colored vinyl because it looks good. So instead of it being about the "story" of the music it's about the market their product can fill.
Sorry for the rant.