Record Store Day 2021

My current list after a 2nd glance:


Dirty Heads - Home: Phantoms of Summer
Elton John - Regimental Sgt. Zippo
RATM - The Battle Of Mexico City
Slightly Stoopid - Live @ Roberto's
Sublime - Sublime Meets Scientist/Mad Professor
VA - Above The Rim


None, for now!

I still kick myself for not getting that Dirty Heads when I had the chance. Not going for Pepper?
After a more thorough evaluation:
** = must haves, can’t live without them
* = 2nd tier wants
= either I strike out on others or I hit the lottery

1st Drop:
Flaming Lips*
Me’Shell NdegeOcello*
Rolling Stones*
Steely Dan**
Primal Scream (UK drop)

2nd Drop:
Miles Davis**
Kling Klang*
I don’t get the flee foxes 7”. It’s just two songs from the album that will have been out for half a year. Am I missing something ? I know previous RSD I have picked up a single from an upcoming album and maybe they throw an acoustic b side or instrumental , but this just seems the most unnecessary.
It's a recording from a livestream with a choir during the pandemic.
Oh my gosh. I want too many on the first glance. Gonna have to pair this way down.

If anyone starts to see AAA claims and the like, do let me know.

-Al Green
-Ann Peebles
-April March
-Harold & Maude
-Conor Oberst
-Donny Hathaway
-Link Wray
-M Ward
-Penrose comp
-Soul Slabs vol 3
-Chicago the Blues Today
-Rough Guide blues comps x 3
No one. But my points stand. There are just way, way too many releases put out for RSD that wouldn't make it in a minute outside RSD. And they can, and do, overprice them as well. RSD is FOMO day, and everyone should take a step back and think about what is really vital on the list.
Totally what I’m doing this time unlike other years. There’s some albeit cool stuff the other music looks cool and while I do enjoy Wes Anderson the soundtrack may not be needed as I have the tribute to Wes Anderson.
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Since drop 2 has the only real WANT I have and the Zevon being a maybe, is there anything JAZZ that’s fun that I missed that could be a good one? I mean I still have to go get some of the readily available stuff but my list is open right now so I’m down for something different.
After checking the Swedish and UK lists more closely, I definitely need to revise my first position. This is NOT lacklustre.

These are stuff I can think about picking up:

The Thrills - So Much for the City
The Flaming Lips - Soft Bulletin Companion
Heartbreakers - L.A.M.F
Jonathan Richman - Party
Lemonheads - Hate Your Friends
Maria McGee x2
The Replacements - Pleased to meet me outtakes
Tom Petty - Angel Dream
Belly - Bees
Bill Fay - Time of the Last Percecution
John Prine x2
Richmond Fontaine x2
Elastica singles (although I would prefer I proper release of their debut album...)

Then I hope some copies of Eternal Sunshine and Life Aquatic finds their way to these shores as well.
After checking the Swedish and UK lists more closely, I definitely need to revise my first position. This is NOT lacklustre.

These are stuff I can think about picking up:

The Thrills - So Much for the City
The Flaming Lips - Soft Bulletin Companion
Heartbreakers - L.A.M.F
Jonathan Richman - Party
Lemonheads - Hate Your Friends
Maria McGee x2
The Replacements - Pleased to meet me outtakes
Tom Petty - Angel Dream
Belly - Bees
Bill Fay - Time of the Last Percecution
John Prine x2
Richmond Fontaine x2
Elastica singles (although I would prefer I proper release of their debut album...)

Then I hope some copies of Eternal Sunshine and Life Aquatic finds their way to these shores as well.

Anyone know how tough it is to get UK releases from the US?
Even with shipping, that RSD version of Bees is cheaper than the Run Out Groove version and I need that Republica LP!
After a look up online that Warren Zevon is now my #1.... those Alt takes are so different I can’t wait for that to start my Zevon collection!
When it says that something is an “Exclusive” with the little “E” next to it, could that mean that it’s just an exclusive of that special color pressing of the album, and it could still see a subsequent release on plain black vinyl?
I really want this but it isn’t on the US list. Such a fantastic album.
Yep. It's a great album. It's not on the Swedish list either ( but they haven't released drop two yet). But I have a friend in the UK and I hope he can pick it up.
I actually passed up an OG of The Thrills a while ago for a good price (about $20). The cover was a bit worn, but the vinyl was in great condition. Kinda regret it, as it's pretty hard to come by.

The Police - Live! Vol. 1
Warpaint - The Fool (Weatherall mixes)
Other Music (great movie!)
Mogwai - ZeroZeroZero OST (UK)
Wolf Alice (UK)


The Eternal Sunshine OST
The Cranberries (UK) (those 1996-2001 albums need to be reissued asap but for now this will do)
When it says that something is an “Exclusive” with the little “E” next to it, could that mean that it’s just an exclusive of that special color pressing of the album, and it could still see a subsequent release on plain black vinyl?
E means record store day exclusive
L means limited run/regional focus
F means record store day first which means it will be released at a later time differently
I mean there is a possibility that a RSD exclusive gets a later release I’m not sure I’ve seen this happen though off the top of my head