I have a feeling this Life Aquatic OST is gonna be hard to find. I fully expect it to sell quickly. Also, why the hell didn't they include the Sigur Ros track on the soundtrack? That is literally the climax of the film!
Side note:
First time I saw this film was back in 2004. I'd say it was well before Wes Anderson achieved his fame/reverence as a filmmaker. Anyways...I cannot recall why, but the college theater I went to in Madison, WI was showing this film in a small side room where they had a bunch of couches spread out. The film was projected on a small, white concrete wall. You could hear the projector and film whirring in the back of the room as the movie played. I sat on a couch in the middle of the room and watched the film. Probably the most Wes Anderson movie-going experience I could imagine, even though it was completely random.