This also comes with a bonus picture disc of 1 random Murs, Slugs, or Aesop's face with a remix on itOooooooooView attachment 35340
Rough Trade has Gold Afternoon Fix listed.Well, the one record I actually wanted (Church - Gold Afternoon) didn't even make the list. As usual I am looking for the Sun Records compilation (this one is blues). Kind of excited for the Tones on Tail release. Seems Charli, Gorillaz, and Spacehog are all exclusive although pressing numbers look good for most (17k ea for G and D sides). Rockabye Wu-Tang is not entirely uninteresting. I would snag Baby Shark if I saw it.
Pretty Ho Hum all around.
Roughtrade says $28.99. Digging their listings, summaries for most of the albums with the prices. Record Store Day 2020Are you fucking shitting meeeeeee
Rough Trade has Gold Afternoon Fix listed.
The Church - Gold Afternoon Fix - LP
First-ever vinyl reissue of the 1990 album from the beloved Australian band. Gold
Not in either listSo no soul slabs from Colemine this year?