RSD 2020

Well the 6pm banquet online only RSD is going as well as expected. Despite being pre-logged into my account - constant ‘server not responding’ pages. Never mind!
I forgot it was RSD. I don’t know any of my local stores plans or which ones are even open lol. If anyone sees June of 44 ‘Tropics and Meridians’ online anywhere please tag me 🤠
My local had their leftovers available to ship:

They have this record still.
Now that my purchase is out of the way, I encourage you all to shop Luna Music because they're a great shop and they're doing this entirely online because they're still not open for in-person shopping. All of their stock dropped 13 minutes ago. Get to it.
I was refreshing right as Spacehog went up, got all the way to place order and got redirected to "there are no items in your cart" 😭