Secretly Society

Got my shipment today. Never got a notice, but it did show in my Informed Delivery.

Once question, what is their policy on seam splits? Black Mountain has about a 3" inner seam split, even with the great shipping sleeve.

I am not sure, never hurts to email in, they are very responsive
Got my shipment today. Never got a notice, but it did show in my Informed Delivery.

Once question, what is their policy on seam splits? Black Mountain has about a 3" inner seam split, even with the great shipping sleeve.
should add they could always send you a standard one as the sleeve doesn't differ
After one listen I'm not in love with this Black Mountain as I was all their other albums I bought from the store. Maybe it will take a couple listens to get in to.
I've got a silly question. Where is the complete store at?
I've found "the secretly store". I've found "secretly society".
I noticed, however, that when I click on , lets say Dinosaur Jr, there are several albums by them and others at the bottom of the page. I found various catalog albums by artist, but only through this method. Is there a complete store somewhere I'm not seeing? Something with a complete list of artists and albums that's not a scavenger hunt? is the main store, you can also click on the gray bar that says all labels (just above the first album for sale) and switch to a specific label. Search or label specific gives you more options. It could be better organized but those are the options (other than going to the label site and clicking on an artist)
I’m listening through my box finally. LP 1 on my Legacy! Legacy! had a bad edge warp. Has anyone had any experience with warps and their policy?
They literally sent the [entire] club the wrong variant and let us keep it and then sent the right one

I might be one of the few members who missed out on this... Secretly Society does let you skip a record once every 6 months if there's one that's really not to your liking. They just extend your membership by a month.

And because I'm not really a variant collector, I decided to use my "skip" on that Unknown Mortal Orchestra record since I had already purchased the VMP version months before. I'm good without it I suppose, but it's no fun to miss out on free stuff!
I let my subscription lapse last month, has anyone received a new discount code? “Society10” doesn’t work anymore
I've come around a lot on thus Black Mountain album. I must have been distracted or in a weird mood the first time I listened to it.