It's gonna be expensive here too, which is why I've gotta hope my local holds onto a couple/few copies for some months as they have with the last couple RSD Prince titles.Sony Prince stuff is getting a little hard to get in the U.K. now ..and it’s always really this on the crystal ball cd so won’t lose sleep...but will keep an eye out online
200 copies?! Nice. It's the only thing I want and I know my shop got some but they wouldn't tell me how many (I don't think they really unpack everything till store close today).Plaid Room got 200 copies...their leftovers go on sale tomorrow at 8pm EST EDIT - just noticed they don't ship internationally, sorry.
Prince - The Truth
The Truth is widely regarded as one of Prince’s most underappreciated hidden gems. The album was originally released as an accompaniment to the 1998 triple album Crystal Ball, which marked the first time that Prince released an album totally independently. The Truth was also the first
I wasn't able to get Quiet Kenny so I got The Truth rather than waiting a month or threeZia had DOZENS of copies of The Truth
Every time someone posts in this thread I hope it’s for a Diamonds and Pearls repress. I guess we’re not there yet.
I’ve just re listened to Graffiti Bridge this morning ..god that’s a stinker of an wonder I couldn’t remember much of itI’ll be spending a lot of time with Welcome 2 America, of course. I am seeing a lot of this is better than the stuff he released during this time. I don’t think Art Official Age or Plectrum Electrum are great by any stretch of the imagination, but on first appearance, they seem more interesting. 2010 was just before this was recorded and is more retro inclined and definitely inferior to this.
This seems almost sterile and the vibe of the music doesn’t really match the lyrical content.
I am fairly certain it will grow on me. But I don’t ever remember having this kind of reaction to a Prince album except for NEWS which I think is dreadful.
like Grafitti Bridge. It is kind of shit album but if you think of it as a bizarre disjointed comp, most of the songs are decent.I’ve just re listened to Graffiti Bridge this morning ..god that’s a stinker of an wonder I couldn’t remember much of it
I like Grafitti Bridge. It is kind of shit album but if you think of it as a bizarre disjointed comp, most of the songs are decent.
I think this is a pretty fair summary. Joy In Repetition is one of my favorite songs by him but it lives on an album that is, well, like you said.Grafitti Bridge is home to a few of my absolute favourite songs. I definitely fall somewhere between like and love with it on the overall. It's certainly inconsistent, but so is about 90% of his output from there onward!