I saw Star Wars Ep 4 in theatre when I was a kid, but I'm not sure how because I wasn't old enough when it originally released, I'm guessing it must have had a re release prior to Empire or Return of the Jedi. I just remember my dad and I being in awe of the opening Star Destroyer scene.
I saw Star Wars Ep 4 in theatre when I was a kid, but I'm not sure how because I wasn't old enough when it originally released, I'm guessing it must have had a re release prior to Empire or Return of the Jedi. I just remember my dad and I being in awe of the opening Star Destroyer scene.
It did, in 97. I remember as we took our newborn daughter with us to go see it, the theater had a cry room in the back so it was a good chance to get out.
I saw Star Wars Ep 4 in theatre when I was a kid, but I'm not sure how because I wasn't old enough when it originally released, I'm guessing it must have had a re release prior to Empire or Return of the Jedi. I just remember my dad and I being in awe of the opening Star Destroyer scene.
They would bring Star Wars and later Empire back to theaters from time to time before Empire and Jedi came out.

I saw Star Wars in the back of my parent's station wagon with my older brother describing what's happening at a drive in while they watched Close Encounters out of the front of the car. I saw Empire at the theater when I was 4. My mom claims it was the first movie I saw in a movie theater. Jedi, I must have seen 20 times in a theater the summer it came out.

One of the best things I ever saw was the IMAX recreation of the original Star Destroyer opening that was reshot with IMAX cameras for a film called Special Effects. It was amazing to see the ships take up almost the entire screen.

Yeah but this would have been like... 1982ish

I did too. I didn't know about Greedo shooting first and I shouted out "WHAT THE FUCK?" in the theatre, and everyone laughed, and that was the best part of the film. The end.

Ah, I think '97 was the first release of the Special Edition versions with this What the Fuck edit, which is what I'm going to call it from now on.
Yes, they gave out special mortgages just to people who saw the OT in theaters in the late 70s and early 80s. People who saw the Special Editions got the Greedo Shot First penalty rate mortgages.
Honestly, wouldn't put it past mortgage lenders to add another way to make home ownership less affordable for millenials.

"What version of Star Wars did you watch as a child? Oh sorry, that adds 2.5% to your rate"