Active Member
Just finished The Leftovers last night (I'm late to the party, I know
). Wow. What a series. That show has some of the best episodes of television I've ever seen. Each season is VERY different, and I definitely appreciated them all in different ways. I'm really excited to rewatch it knowing what I know now, as like I said, each season is SO different that it really took me some time to adjust each go-around. I have some not-insignificant issues with
arc in the last season, but otherwise, all the characters were impressively well-written and three-dimensional. I even found myself having love for characters that I initially never expected to like at all. After seeing how much other people love the show, I don't think I love it QUITE as much as a lot of people on the internet, but it's definitely one of the better shows I've ever seen. And I knew that it'd be great the second I heard James Blake's Retrograde in the pilot 
