The Good Ol' Grateful Thread

Cross posting from another thread....but the Blues for Allah 45RPM MoFi is back in stock! Probably the last pressing run of it but not 100% sure.
I think all the MoFis I have of theirs sound awesome. @Mather raves about Blues though. I'm excited to get a copy. It'll complete the MoFis I think I want from GD: a 33 of AB, 45 of Mars, WMD and Blues.
Yeah I only have Mars and Allah Mofi 45s, however I will be grabbing WMD as well. And of those two Allah wins and it's pretty amazing. But Mars is good too.
My local shop just posted they have two copies of Two From The Vault in. I’m waiting to see if they post them online, which should happen today I would think. Not sure of price yet
My local shop just posted they have two copies of Two From The Vault in. I’m waiting to see if they post them online, which should happen today I would think. Not sure of price yet
I think those are getting a pretty wide restock soon right?
I think those are getting a pretty wide restock soon right?
Not sure. I mean I just happened to be looking at Light In The Attic today and they have more up for preorders coming in June. I haven’t looked elsewhere recently though
man, I missed the mofi -- I have it on backorder w/ MusicDirect, but no notice from them :(
You'll probably still get it from MD! MoFi always announces their stock first. Then usually within a day or two, the MD stock goes up and backorders get fulfilled. That's how @Crabbers and I ended up with 2 copies each of Mars last time haha
I’ve had a copy on back order with MD for months. I spoke to a rep yesterday and they said they’re expecting their stock any day.
Good to know. It seems they have taken it down from their site so I'm guessing every copy is accounted for. Hope the people who wanted it backordered!

back in stock!

back in stock!
I sold a record today, so I deserve this, right? :D

back in stock! direct has no mention of this on their site though