The Mars Volta reuniting / new music (not being trolled this time, apparently)

This article has some great info and quotes from the band. Including how they were dissatisfied with the previous pressings and these are all analogue from the original masters. Plus makes the price *a bit* easier to swallow knowing they put it together and out themselves. Though it will certainly be paying off for them.

This one too. Talks about giving them room to breath and masters meant for Vinyl, instead of Digital. Also specifically refers to the set as "the end of the story". So wonder if that squashes any reunion or is just referring to the battle for a proper release of these.


This article has some great info and quotes from the band. Including how they were dissatisfied with the previous pressings and these are all analogue from the original masters. Plus makes the price *a bit* easier to swallow knowing they put it together and out themselves. Though it will certainly be paying off for them.

This one too. Talks about giving them room to breath and masters meant for Vinyl, instead of Digital. Also specifically refers to the set as "the end of the story". So wonder if that squashes any reunion or is just referring to the battle for a proper release of these.

Literally lol'd at this quote from Cedric: "Big corporations didn’t think like that. We came from a different world — cool shapes, cool colors, cool shit you could do with it. Shit that’s just not fuckin’ ‘normieville.’”
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Slept on the US release. Grabbed from the UK shop. No regrets.
For those that ordered, how much was shipping from the US shop? UK shop was 43 euro
Slowest and most affordable shipping was $18. Taxes $50. That might be based on destination sales tax though. *shakes fist at IL*

I think next step up was like in the $45 shipping range, but I forget already.
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Slept on the US release. Grabbed from the UK shop. No regrets.
For those that ordered, how much was shipping from the US shop? UK shop was 43 euro

Same! I can't tell if they're being cheeky or they're really not going to press anything else.
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Looks like anyone who missed out in the box and wants it may still have a chance AND looks likely individual albums will be coming at some point.
I did a thing... (US store at the 11th hour)
True, however the label spent good money on the remasters and the pressings. Hard to believe they'd just sell the boxes and call it a day. I mean they sold out in less than a day. The individual albums are coming, I'd bet good money on it.

I think and hope you're right but I also imagine Cedric and Omar forcing fans to own Noctourniquet in order the get the rest of the albums on principle.