I dunno, I personally am a big fan of “you can only rank up to 100 albums, but if you choose to do fewer, you can”. I know that the effort of compiling and ranking a list of 100 albums is a barrier to entry for some, and the fewer people we have participating, the less “representative” of N&G the overall ranking will be. But I know a lot of us can easily put together a top 1000 list if we wanted. So if some people want to do a full 100, but some only want to put ~30 albums on their list, I don’t necessarily see the issue with that? I’d be willing to bet there’s a good number of people here who *could* conceivably do a top 50/100 ranked list, but simply won’t have the time/energy to do a giant list like that, and I still think their voice should matter even if they don’t hit whatever mark we set