To increase the madness and find a compromise how about a two-step process. First lists created till a deadline without publication to minimze the influence of herd mentality, then a time-frame the lists get published in the thread and discussed, compared etc followed by a chance for everyone to edit their lists to a final answer.I agree 100%. Without the conversation it’s a bit of a dull exercise that’s essentially maths. The fun of these threads is the back and forth and being reminded of things you’d forgotten or poked to try something you’d been meaning to.
Fine ill allow soundtracks that are original works by a singular artistsYes , I think greatest hits and compilations should be avoided but excluding soundtracks would cut out original works from people like Ennio morricone, miles davis , or reznor/Ross etc. Live albums are a mixed bag because some of them are like greatest hits packages ( live rust may be my most played neil young album but also collects songs from different allbums) there are live albums especially in the jazz genre where the live versions elevate songs to a whole other level where the studio albums don't go.
You had me until the word editTo increase the madness and find a compromise how about a two-step process. First lists created till a deadline without publication to minimze the influence of herd mentality, then a time-frame the lists get published in the thread and discussed, compared etc followed by a chance for everyone to edit their lists to a final answer.
Now that i swayed you with miles and morricone i can go for the judgement night soundtrackFine ill allow soundtracks that are original works by a singular artists
The intention was more to acount for the usual " oh shit i actually forgot xy" but maybe the editing is not a good idea if people feel peessured into changing their listsYou had me until the word edit
To increase the madness and find a compromise how about a two-step process. First lists created till a deadline without publication to minimze the influence of herd mentality, then a time-frame the lists get published in the thread and discussed, compared etc followed by a chance for everyone to edit their lists to a final answer.
I'm think 50 is the magic number. 25 feels too small for a 500 list and 100 may be too much, although I'm open to matter what we choose, 25 ea, 50 ea, 100 ea, i will start the very fun but arduous journey of making my list
Maybe just set a date before no lists shall be published so everyone ca wittle down there list before and that would mean no extra effort. Although I'm sensing @Woob_woob rather likes extra administrative effortThat’s insane. It’s just huge amounts of extra admin. Plus I don’t think there’s a herd mentality in here, there’s a pig-headed argumentative streak in the majority of us...
To increase the madness and find a compromise how about a two-step process. First lists created till a deadline without publication to minimze the influence of herd mentality, then a time-frame the lists get published in the thread and discussed, compared etc followed by a chance for everyone to edit their lists to a final answer.
Maybe just set a date before no lists shall be published so everyone ca wittle down there list before and that would mean no extra effort. Although I'm sensing @Woob_woob rather likes extra administrative effort
If I do this, the hardest decision will be whether to include too many albums from the time period where I was about 15-25, which for some strange, unfathomable reason has A LOT of my favorite albums, or whether to try to be "objective" and make sure to balance my decades some.
That’s just thing, it’s really YOUR top 100. So if half of them happen to fall into one decade then more power to ya, it’s your list.... the N&G part comes later when it’s all summarized into a master.
That's the function of the master list. Or rather form a bias prepresenative of the electorates demographic ( see rolling stone lists)n that case, it's on all you to balance out my bias.
In that case, it's on all you to balance out my bias.
I'm counting on you.
Mrs. Eisenhower is counting on you.
America is counting on you.