The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

he is super pretentious but in that young NYC artist sort of wa,y that doesn’t bother me in the slightest.

He always seems very sincere which considering it was the early 90s and sarcasm and detached irony was typically the chosen path many Gen Xers chose to express themselves, did feel a bit out of place. It is a bit different but if you caught Thurston Moore or Kurt Cobain in a genuine moment I feel they would talk about art and music in much the same way.

As a jaded 40 year old I can see how looking back some could roll their eyes at how he presents himself but for me growing up it all made sense to me. I feel like Buckley gives off the air of a young Ethan Hawke in a Richard Linklater movie.

Given I’ve mostly lived in two countries where sarcasm and irony are just the way people tend to deal with each other in general conversation I’m usually pretty good at detecting it lol.

Although that said I could also just fall foul of stereotype that Americans in general just aren’t all that great at either 😂
Yeah! So the story goes that they were recording The Bends and he just couldn’t nail the vocals, particularly for Fake Plastic Trees.

They went to see Buckley live and it blew his mind, gave him the confidence to try to sing in falsetto. He supposedly went straight from the gig back to the studio, nailed that song in one take and then burst into tears.

The rest, as they say, is history.
I can totally hear the influence! The difference is that Radiohead have better songs though.
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Jeff Buckley - Grace

As a singer who often gets compared to Buckley, I do love this album (I probably like the unfinished follow-up "Sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk" a bit more), but it's an album that's much better in its live form. I always recommend watching his show at the Metro in Chicago for a better idea of his talent. Also, Eternal Life isn't that great on the album, but is a noisy monster in that live setting.

Anyways, 4/5
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Jeff Buckley - Grace

Great voice, but an exhausting record to listen to.

His version of 'Hallelujah' has been hyped to the moon and back ever since I have had the ability to hear, and I must say, it's not bad.

Good, but a lot to take in.

2.5 / 5 stars.
TBF, Armstrong’s faux British affectation that he sings with causes the delivery to come out a bit garbled. Also, earlier in the track he sings, “In a house with unlocked doors and I’m fucking lazy!” So, I could see why you woulda thought that. My 12 year-old self spent a lot of time dissecting those CD liner notes though.
Haven’t listened to Dookie since the mid 90s and have a hard time to look beyond the nostalgia. But this holds up quite well doesn’t it? Can’t really relate to the lyrics like I did when I was nineteen though.
I saw them open for Bad Religion in 94, and rarely have I been to a concert were the supporting act tops the headliners the way they did. Bad Religion was still great but these guys just took over the whole evening.
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Green Day - Dookie

This is a tight record, each musician is at the peak of their instrument's power.

The songs are short and snappy, sometimes silly, yes, but there's some really poignant songs in there too if you listen.

'Welcome to Paradise', 'She', 'Sassafras Roots', 'When I Come Around', some excellent fucking songs right there. In fact, the second half of the record is fire!

4 / 5 stars.
Lyrics printed inside the jacket aren't always 100% accurate either. I remember the lyric book for "Stunt" by Barenaked Ladies had full verses for "One Week" printed that didn't exist on the recording.
Sure, but they’ve had a few years to correct it in between my CD copy that aI purchased in 1994 and the 2009 vinyl reissue. Also, between the lyrics sheet and the internet I am gonna go with the lyrics sheet unless Billy Joe is out there specifically saying that the actual lyrics are different.
I would have given this a 4 or 5 back in the day. I recently gave it a go and found it exhausting to get through. Will try again today.

Seeing them live is fun. I saw them the year they opened lollapalooza in Raleigh. After the first or second song, Billy Joe was like “it sucks that the real music fans are out there in the sun. Y’all should come up here.” So the lawn at Walnut Creek rushed the stage. There were people hanging from the rafters.

Eventually, they cut Green Day’s sound. They played three more songs with no amplification and then security came and escorted them off the stage. Then the venue threatened to shut down the show if the lawn didn’t get back to their area.

That was the last year Lolla was at Walnut Creek.
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