The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

Okay I just got to Tighten Up and looking over the discography, I may have had this confused with Attack and Release which is my least favorite. Turn Blue would rank lower than this one and then this one would be third worst.
Okay I just got to Tighten Up and looking over the discography, I may have had this confused with Attack and Release which is my least favorite. Turn Blue would rank lower than this one and then this one would be third worst.
Attack and Release is definitely worse because Danger Mouse produced it and he isn’t great at producing rock albums.

The Black Keys - Brothers

Another album I liked back in college. Tastes have changed.

Do I think it is an enjoyable record? Sure...I guess. Do I think it is bucket list material? Absolutely not.

Rating: 2.5/5 [Decent]
I tend to not rate albums/artists that I don’t like, but I will make an exception for The Black Keys. They commit the cardinal sin of being boring. If you are going to be derivative at least do a good job of it. I still cannot make it through this record, think I got half way through Howlin’ before I thought I had better things to do. 2/5
This is the only Black Keys album that I own and actually enjoy, at least in parts. I’ve tried to get into the rest of their stuff but I just won’t get hooked. This has ”Everlasting Light” though which is such a great, great song! The rest is okay I guess.

I remember listening to El Camino when it came out and all I could think about was how it in parts somehow resembled The Sisters of Mercy (not a good trait in my book)….
I don't want to relive someone else's experience, modern or from decades past. Being in the moment (almost always) is the only way for me.

I get that philosophy. At the same time, that philosophy robs yourself of so much great music and musical context given to you by artists over decades and decades. Personal experience is the best, but the artists you go see live today all had a personal experience that influenced their creativity and style and influenced their musical output. It's all an unending progression and adopting a 'here and now' approach could severely shortchange your scope. Appreciate the stance. Don't let the stance stunt your musical horizon.

The Black Keys - Brothers

Playing catch up here. I went through a phase where I couldn't get enough of The Black Keys but then it quickly faded away. I don't find them bad, I just don't find them terribly interesting. However, I feel like this is one album I can still go back to. I actually like the production on this one. It's a little more involved than their blues duo schtick. If i remember, correctly it sounds excellent on vinyl too. I know some of the songs got pretty overplayed. Still not my favorite but if I where to go back to a Black Keys album this would be the one. 3/5.
Man this record is great. I know it isn’t The Ummah, but it kind of sounds like the birth of The Ummah. So much here. It’s like a modern version of Sly’s thick layered funk. One of the best voices ever. So good. Saadiq, Muhammad, and Powers did their thing.

Did y’all know that D’Angelo was supposed to be in Lucy Pearl?