The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

I understand the appeal of those later albums I enjoy a few of them personally but I also think a handful of his earlier albums are considered all time great while his later albums are merely good to very good within the context of Dylan discography.
Within the Dylan fan community many of those later albums are indeed revered as much as those early ones. But deferring to others' preferences/traditional rankings is boring! Let's talk about what we feel about them. I'm curious what other Dylan records will show up in this project.

(FWIW, I'm only rating albums in the group project that I'm already familiar with and am relistening to, or am listening to a new album like five times over a few weeks before ranking.)
FWIW, I'm only rating albums in the group project that I'm already familiar with and am relistening to, or am listening to a new album like five times over a few weeks before ranking
Same. If I have spent a lot of time with the album I am rating it. If it is something I have not heard before, I am trying to listen to it but not rating it as I don’t want immediacy to affect my judgement.

That, and I am really lazy
Same. If I have spent a lot of time with the album I am rating it. If it is something I have not heard before, I am trying to listen to it but not rating it as I don’t want immediacy to affect my judgement.

That, and I am really lazy

And if I don’t like it all that much, or it’s a genre I’m as a whole not that keen on, I’m trying not to be too negative and just keep it zipped. If I hate it and it’s objectively rubbish then it’s fun to be over the top for the lols.
(FWIW, I'm only rating albums in the group project that I'm already familiar with and am relistening to, or am listening to a new album like five times over a few weeks before ranking.)
Yeah, I haven’t rated any albums. I just comment on the albums that I have thoughts on because I like talking about music. The only albums I listen to as a result of being listed here are the ones that pique my interest.
My third favorite Common album.
Yeah, for me this and Like Water For Chocolate are the only Common records I need. I don’t find his flow to be all that compelling so it really comes up to production and Dilla and Kanye both at the height of their respective powers make those two albums quit enjoyable.
Yeah, for me this and Like Water For Chocolate are the only Common records I need. I don’t find his flow to be all that compelling so it really comes up to production and Dilla and Kanye both at the height of their respective powers make those two albums quit enjoyable.
I really dig One Day it Will All Make Sense. Then Chocolate, then this. But yeah Kanye and Dilla was a fire combo.