The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

I think U2 released 3 perfect albums and this is one of them.

I don’t know that I could say U2 have a perfect album. That thing they do where all the big hits are front loaded means they’re all a little unbalanced. This one suffers from that but is probably the most consistent album they released. War and Boy are probably the two albums of theirs that I enjoy the most.
I kinda enjoyed Penguin Cafe Orcestra. I listened while I was grading papers and it gave the whole experience a cinematic sheen.
The Joshua Tree is my second favorite U2 album. Achtung Baby is their masterpiece imo. I’ve never really got on the “hate U2”-train either. Sure, their output since “Pop” has been pretty uneven, (or bad even), but that happens to most acts as they get older. But the run from War to Zooropa (yes, I rate that as one of their greats) is pretty untouchable.
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Let’s be honest a lot of it, rightly or wrongly, is Bono.
Yeah, you're probably right. And he surely comes off as a pretentious prick, and I've laugh hard at a lot of Bono jokes through the years. But he's also a millionaire who actually gives a fuck and tries to make a difference, and puts his money where his mouth is most of the time, so I really got nothing against him.
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