The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

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Neil Young - Harvest

The classic Neil Young songs were always around so I was fairly familiar with a good portion of Harvest before I ever listened to the album in its entirety. It wasn’t my first NY album, strangely he initially piqued my interest when I was in college. One of my roommates was learning to play guitar was obsessed the harmonics on Neil’s acoustic performance of “Harvest Moon” which was just maybe a year after he released Silver & Gold which I had read many positive reviews about where it was compared to a continuation of Harvest to Harvest Moon to Silver & Gold so Silver & Gold was my first NY album but that then lead my back to Harvest and from there I got really into acoustic Neil. Which eventually led me to Electric Neil.

Where I sit now Harvest is a great album but amongst Neil Young albums it probably sits somewhere in the bottom half of my top ten NY albums which isn’t a slight so much as it speaks to quality of his output. I understand it’s likely his most popular album. It fits in nicely with James Taylor (who, along with Linda Ronstadt appear on Harvest) and other 70s singer songwriters of the time. It’s great at what it is and mainly what it is a crowd pleasing album.