The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

Don't reckon I even remotely heard of this one before yesterday. It was an enjoyable enough listen. I particularly enjoyed the gratuitous motherfuckers of "Drop the Pressure." All in all, though, it was somehow too weird AND not weird enough to be something I'd come back to very much. Not gonna be the least bit upset when it's time to listen to it again for my personal project, but doubtful I'd go out of my way otherwise. 3/5
Pretty much sums up my feelings. I'm not reaching for this stuff as often as others anyhow. Air's Moon Safari and Trip to the Moon along with Live 93 by the Orb and Everything by Future Sound of London (ESPECIALLY ISDN) are my go to for chilling electronic. I've got the Chemical Brothers and Fatboy Slim if I want to get hyped up. How much drum and bass is on this list? I feel like I should listen to Roni Size, Goldie and LTJ Bukem more than I do.
Well this is a great album. Probably my third favourite Joni after Blue and For The Roses, that really is a pretty epic run of three albums.
I don't really know For The Roses, This is more accessible than Blue (which I love) and as such I would rank this higher. I really only knew Blue until a few years ago, bought a pretty good copy of this used from my local and have been slowly falling in love with it. Mitchell has been a slow burn for me. I don't always feel like I get her and as such each album requires a long gestation period with me. It's been a joy to really dive into her catalog though. Both this and Blue would get a five from me though.
I don't really know For The Roses, This is more accessible than Blue (which I love) and as such I would rank this higher. I really only knew Blue until a few years ago, bought a pretty good copy of this used from my local and have been slowly falling in love with it. Mitchell has been a slow burn for me. I don't always feel like I get her and as such each album requires a long gestation period with me. It's been a joy to really dive into her catalog though. Both this and Blue would get a five from me though.

Yeah the run of three all get 5s from me and I probably prefer Blue for the opposite reason to why you prefer Court & Spark. I like how immersive and deep and personal it is. But with all 3, and I’ll throw Hejira in to make it 4, they’re 5’s, I’m not arguing with anyone’s order, it’s all down to preference.
Joni Mitchell is one of those artists that I've been meaning to dig into, but haven't gotten around to yet. I've only heard some of the more well known songs by her. Since this isn't on Spotify, I will need to try to listen to this through YouTube or something during the weekend. Looking forward to it!
Also something I’ve mentioned on other threads before.

At her best Joni is, for me, the best lyricist I’ve come across. A lot of the great lyricists are storytellers. Joni in my opinion is that and more. It’s clear she’s a painter for me, it’s so evident in her lyrics, she paints pictures with words, her lyrics are full of light and shade and atmosphere.

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Joni Mitchell - Court and Spark

Someone let me know if that is the whole album?

Allmusic Review:

I do love this album. I grew up with my mom spinning Joni on the regular. I think this is the easiest for a first time listener to plug into, without sacrificing any of her complexity as a lyricist. 5/5
I do love this album. I grew up with my mom spinning Joni on the regular. I think this is the easiest for a first time listener to plug into, without sacrificing any of her complexity as a lyricist. 5/5
Same. This album brings me back to my parents record collection. 5/5 on both the album and the memories that it resurfaces. Her singing is just so good on this.

View attachment 170768
Joni Mitchell - Court and Spark

Someone let me know if that is the whole album?

Allmusic Review:

I have never listened to Joni Mitchell before today.

Great voice.

'Help Me', 'Free Man in Paris' and 'Raised on Robbery' are standouts in an excellent album from beginning to end.

4 / 5 stars.