The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

I always enjoy listening to this, but I don't need a full listen to review... to me, this is the peak of golden age production and lyrical invention. The features are outstanding. This was the moment I noticed Jazz in hip hop. Scenario is still my favorite posse cut.

It occurs to me while thinking about the album, that like Ill Communication and Stakes is High, I really dig these albums where the fun hip hop of my youth grew up. (Tribe did it a little quicker than De La and the Beasties).
ATCQ is an all time fave of mine also. I prefer Midnight Marauders a tiny bit more but LET is probably their defining album. Like a you said early 90s Hip Hop is my favorite era. The yin- yang of the West Coast G-Funk, the gritty East Coast Boom Bap rap, and the proto-backpack artist you mentioned in De La, ATCQ, and Beasties was all I needed.
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ATCQ is an all time fave of mine also. I prefer Midnight Marauders a tiny bit more but LET is probably their defining album. Like a you early 90s Hip Hop is my favorite era. The yin- yang of the West Coast G-Funk, the gritty East Coast Boom Bap rap, and the proto-backback artist you mentioned in De La, ATCQ, and Beasties was all I needed.
It was a special time where everyone was feeding off of each other and the whole scene exploded. Just read the VMP liner notes and my 🤯'd when I learned that the sound of LET was inspired by NWA. But I kind of get it. It was definitely a boomier album than People's. Hell, it's grittier too.
cause it was a decent read:
1/19/23 Pick:
View attachment 164610
Artic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not

Allmusic Review:
5 stars

I can't even for the life of me remember what it was that put me off on these guys when they first came out but I've generally avoided them since for whatever that reason was! Been resistant to putting this one on, but I'm finally jumping in...

I'm already enjoying "The View from the Afternoon" more than I expected to enjoy any of this.
Maybe you can teach an old dog how to pull its head out of its ass
I can't even for the life of me remember what it was that put me off on these guys when they first came out but I've generally avoided them since for whatever that reason was! Been resistant to putting this one on, but I'm finally jumping in...

I'm already enjoying "The View from the Afternoon" more than I expected to enjoy any of this.
Maybe you can teach an old dog how to pull its head out of its ass
That's the thing here, I think you and I both have similar goals... get outside of your comfort zone. Experience music that you wouldn't otherwise or conversely, spend time with music that you have neglected or give thought to why a particular album blows you away (great piece on Missy btw) I would have never sought this album out without VMP. I never would have listened to it again without this list. I wouldn't have had the experience with the Coral the other night or been introduced to The Little Flames - which is better than all the rest of that playlist combined (*rushes to check playlist to makes sure he didn't add anything too precious... no... we're good*)
That's the thing here, I think you and I both have similar goals... get outside of your comfort zone. Experience music that you wouldn't otherwise or conversely, spend time with music that you have neglected or give thought to why a particular album blows you away (great piece on Missy btw) I would have never sought this album out without VMP. I never would have listened to it again without this list. I wouldn't have had the experience with the Coral the other night or been introduced to The Little Flames - which is better than all the rest of that playlist combined (*rushes to check playlist to makes sure he didn't add anything too precious... no... we're good*)
I can't even for the life of me remember what it was that put me off on these guys when they first came out but I've generally avoided them since for whatever that reason was! Been resistant to putting this one on, but I'm finally jumping in...

I'm already enjoying "The View from the Afternoon" more than I expected to enjoy any of this.
Maybe you can teach an old dog how to pull its head out of its ass

I scurried off to bed pretty much as soon as the album was over last night but I'd definitely give it a solid 3.5. I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would, and most often in spite of myself. I don't have any revelatory thoughts about individual songs so much and don't think I would necessarily seek it out much to listen to again outside of a group project or discussion, but I'm really glad I gave this one a go. I'll take this over AC/DC any day.
1/23/22 pick
View attachment 164867
A Tribe Called Quest - The Low End Theory

Allmusic Review:

I'm going to spin this later today and add more thoughts to the discussion, but before I even do that I know I can say without hesitation that this one is getting 5 stars from me. It's an all-timer.
1/23/22 pick
View attachment 164867
A Tribe Called Quest - The Low End Theory

Allmusic Review:

Oh yeah - when this came out I was definitely in a rut (that I wouldn't get out for years) where I was alternating between Grateful Dead & the rise of Grunge, and this release never crossed my radar at the time.

So therefore I didn't listen to this until a few years ago after a friend played Midnight Marauders for me, and I went out and picked up both Midnight Marauders and Low End Theory.

Spinning it this morning reminds me that the combination of stand-up bass, jazz drumming that just barely hits the beat but also drives it forward, and lyrical delivery gels perfectly on this album, and its quickly became one of my favorites. Expertly sampled and mixed. 5/5 easily.
1/19/23 Pick:
View attachment 164610
Artic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not

Allmusic Review:
5 stars

This is timely:


1/23/22 pick
View attachment 164867
A Tribe Called Quest - The Low End Theory

Allmusic Review:

I'm not sure if it's my favorite Tribe album but they are one of those groups that can do no wrong, as far as I'm concerned, and I often say that "Scenario" is my all-time favorite hip-hop song.

In fact, I'm pretty sure I won my wife over with my ability to rap the whole thing from memory 😂
#2 - A Tribe Called Quest - The Low End Theory

I was but a small child when this was released (9 to be precise) and really would have only heard this from the environment around me. In discovering Tribe in college, I spent more times with Midnight Marauders than this one, but always thought this was a classic. Nowadays, I think it is a matter of my mood as to which one I prefer. Regardless, a classic album without really any weak points. An album that's certainly among my 20 favorite hip-hop albums of all time, this is an easy one to score and rate.

Rating 5.0/5
Beats, Rhymes and Life called and demanded it’s title back.

Fair. I feel like I remember the realtime reaction of the masses being much more disappointed and disdainful when The Love Movement dropped, but there's certainly room for debate - especially with Beats, Rhymes and Life coming off of a virtually untouchable 3-album streak.

With either title my statement still stands.
Fair. I feel like I remember the realtime reaction of the masses being much more disappointed and disdainful when The Love Movement dropped, but there's certainly room for debate - especially with Beats, Rhymes and Life coming off of a virtually untouchable 3-album streak.

With either title my statement still stands.
I love The Love Movement and was relatively isolated from the masses at its release. My group of friends all thought it was great too. Beats seemed like a commercial outing for them. It’s not bad, just not what I expect from Tribe.
I love The Love Movement and was relatively isolated from the masses at its release. My group of friends all thought it was great too. Beats seemed like a commercial outing for them. It’s not bad, just not what I expect from Tribe.

I was working at HMV when The Love Movement came out. Even had a Love Movement t-shirt that just barely fit my fat body. Beats, Rhymes and Life was actually the first ATCQ album I heard - my best friend growing up got a copy for Christmas and didn't care for it much, but I loved it!