The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

I know I'd listened to this just a couple years ago and remembered being pretty meh on it. But as I was listening, I thought wow, I didn't remember this being 2 hours and 9 minutes long. Turns out I just listened to the deluxe version. And while I did strongly dislike the first couple tracks, by the time it got to the Baba Yaga freakout tracks I was really into it. I know this will convince absolutely none of you (maybe @avecigrec) but I like this extended deluxe version far more than the standard version, despite there being several tracks that do nothing for me. 3/5
We tortured Newcastle, NOW SEE WHAT WE DID TO LONDON!!!
What I really want to know is what Mussorgsky ever did to ELP that they were like “we should take his masterpiece and make it sound like Jesus Christ Superstar and a little country church organist’s recital had a lsd baby”?
Which is exactly why I'm digging the weirdness of this pick so much. What the hell makes something like this get conceived and played consistently on a tour. I mean, beyond drugs.

In high school I went through a ELP deep dive, but I don't think I spent much time with this particular album, more with Trilogy and Brain Salad Surgery.

the Baba Yaga parts are pretty fantastic and out there, but also surprisingly well orchestrated/coordinated with the synth/drumming. And I love me some Hammond B3.

Which is exactly why I'm digging the weirdness of this pick so much. What the hell makes something like this get conceived and played consistently on a tour. I mean, beyond drugs.

In high school I went through a ELP deep dive, but I don't think I spent much time with this particular album, more with Trilogy and Brain Salad Surgery.

the Baba Yaga parts are pretty fantastic and out there, but also surprisingly well orchestrated/coordinated with the synth/drumming. And I love me some Hammond B3.

Drugs. There is no beyond. Everything about this screams a bong rip of some crazy shit.
Which is exactly why I'm digging the weirdness of this pick so much. What the hell makes something like this get conceived and played consistently on a tour. I mean, beyond drugs.

In high school I went through a ELP deep dive, but I don't think I spent much time with this particular album, more with Trilogy and Brain Salad Surgery.

the Baba Yaga parts are pretty fantastic and out there, but also surprisingly well orchestrated/coordinated with the synth/drumming. And I love me some Hammond B3.

Glad someone else dug those parts too. I also love the Hammond.
Of the little bits of ELP I've heard before, I'd definitely take their more simple acoustic guitar songs like "From the Beginning" over their usual keyboard-driven sound, though I don't think this is a bad record. It's an interesting listen at least, but I totally get why others (especially those who don't like prog rock in general) wouldn't dig this. 3/5
favs: "The Sage", "The Old Castle"
least fav: "The Hut of Baba Yaga (Pt. 1)"