The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

I've told this story on here many times but just for reference for anyone who may not know the Doves. On their Lost Souls album tour they played small venues this side of the pond and their stage set up was very sparse. Maybe 500 people in the venue. The lights were almost out and they had a screen that took up most of the back of the stage and as they played 8mm films were projected on the screen. Mostly black and white. The images were mostly culled from nature and what almost appeared to be home movies, and they played along behind every song they performed. It was one of the most atmospheric yet intimate shows I've ever been to. And if you're new to the Doves and haven't heard Lost Souls yet it's a bit of a different beast to Last Broadcast and Some Cities, much more down tempo but at least in my mind it's pretty much their magnum opus.
Done! I can say Radiohead meets Coldplay is a pretty apt description. Enjoyed the album but no need for me to buy it on vinyl when I can easily stream it if I ever want to listen to it again. For me there are several songs that hit hard and then several songs that I cannot remember.

I can see where this album would hit you big personally if it happened at the right time in your life. Not going to rate it as it would not be fair after only 1 stream.
Done! I can say Radiohead meets Coldplay is a pretty apt description. Enjoyed the album but no need for me to buy it on vinyl when I can easily stream it if I ever want to listen to it again. For me there are several songs that hit hard and then several songs that I cannot remember.

I can see where this album would hit you big personally if it happened at the right time in your life. Not going to rate it as it would not be fair after only 1 stream.
When people ask me what this band sounds like, a mix of Coldplay and Radiohead is usually my go-to description.
👀 @Joe Mac 👀
I mean @Joe Mac finishing up my second listen currently. You have to hear it, it can’t be lost on you. They sound like Coldplay and Radiohead are collaborating. Sure the singer dude isn’t doing any vocal aerobatics and isn’t singing in a sickly sweet falsetto for entire songs but the music and song structures, even the instrumentation use.

(Also Coldplay isn’t necessarily a four letter word from me. I don’t necessarily like everything they’ve done but Parachutes, Rush and Vida are albums that I think are great and exemplary for their time period.)
Done! I can say Radiohead meets Coldplay is a pretty apt description. Enjoyed the album but no need for me to buy it on vinyl when I can easily stream it if I ever want to listen to it again. For me there are several songs that hit hard and then several songs that I cannot remember.

I can see where this album would hit you big personally if it happened at the right time in your life. Not going to rate it as it would not be fair after only 1 stream.
What was the Avalanches connection here?
None that I can see. I just always confused the 2 bands or lumped them together. If Avalanches shows up in this thread then I will listen to them as well.
lol… this is level of magnitude worse than @Mather stating that Sigur Ros sounds like Doves. This is closer to me not listening to Nickel Creek for years because I did not like Nickelback and thought they were the same band.