The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if todays selection sucks)

I do like Dickinson better here than on later albums. I don’t know, I think maybe New Wave of British Heavy Metal isn’t for me. I like those first couple of Leppard albums but that’s about it. All the operatic vocalist theatrics really do nothing for me. Band is awesome but Maiden and Priest just don’t really do it for me. 🤷‍♀️
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Another thing (that is relevant to the video @duke86fan posted on their profile and to a lesser extent, the one on mine), this sounds way better on my echo buds than it did on the b&ws. I’m not sure I like it any better but it is not served well by neutrality and precision.
A band that on paper, I should dig but don’t. I’m honestly not sure if I’ve listened to this one. The cover doesn’t exactly ring any bells.
Have you seen them live? For me Maiden works better in a live show context rather than a record. It's the stage setup, the theatrics, Bruce running up and down the stage, the energy from the crowd. It's a show and Dickinson is a show man.
Have you seen them live? For me Maiden works better in a live show context rather than a record. It's the stage setup, the theatrics, Bruce running up and down the stage, the energy from the crowd. It's a show and Dickinson is a show man.
I have not. Is there a recommended concert film? I don’t see me using up concert goodwill to see a band I am lukewarm to.
For the better?
Well I worship Satan now, so I'd say so.

In all seriousness this record didn't really change my life like London Calling or Blue or a handful of others did, but it definitely solidified my path down a certain metal and hard rock road for a long time, and influenced my guitar playing a ton, back when I still played an electric.

The album is a ton of fun and run through with iconic riffs ("Hallowed be Thy Name" has one of my all-time faves). The band in general and this album in particular was/is huge for my high school friends and me. I kind of grew out of them in my 20s but still dig this and a few other albums out occasionally. And as mentioned above, they're still super entertaining live.
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