The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

"Live at the Apollo" is almost a staple phrase today when defining a classic, and this album is definitely a cornerstone of our popular culture. I don't think I have listened to it in full before, at least not as focused as I did today, and I actually enjoyed it a bit less than I thought I would. I find myself wanting more structure and actual, y'know, songs after a while and not just Browns classic stage antics. Still, can't really get less than 5 stars under any circumstance, can it?


James Brown - Live at the Apollo

Allmusic review:

Turn it up and let it rip!

James Brown is awesome!

Crowd noise was a bit annoying (screaming girls, eww)

4 / 5 stars.

The Jam - Sound Affects

Allmusic Review:


I think I feel the same about all Weller stuff I've heard. There always something very good about it, but I'm never pushed over the edge to thinking it's great. This is a little closer to 4 than to 3 for me, but most of his stuff falls somewhere in that range.


The Cramps - Songs the Lord Taught Us


The Cramps are one of my wife's favorite bands and she's introduced me to most of what I've heard. I knew a couple songs on this from her and I really like them. I'm glad they're getting more listeners with the young folk today. A solid 4 leaning toward a 5 after a couple more listens I suspect.
I think I feel the same about all Weller stuff I've heard. There always something very good about it, but I'm never pushed over the edge to thinking it's great. This is a little closer to 4 than to 3 for me, but most of his stuff falls somewhere in that range.
I usually listen to Days Of Speed or Snap! when I need some Weller.