I just finished The Memory Police. There were some things about it that were confusing and I'm not sure if it was because of the story or the translation (the translation was excellent over all, there were just some minor continuity things which make me wonder if Ogawa had meant to use a different word. I studied Japanese translation in school so this is probably something only I would care about). Overall, I enjoyed it a lot and thought it was pretty creepy. I was really in the mood for a good Orwellian dystopia lately and it delivered.
I also just started Because Internet by Gretchen McCulloch and I think my next fiction book will be The Picture of Dorian Grey.
I love those videos! Especially the ones where he analyzes actors playing real people. If anyone hasn't seen them you totally should.
On an unrelated note, I am also on Goodreads.
Anybody is welcome to add me on Goodreads. I'm falling far short of my reading goal for this year, unfortunately. Been too sad to focus on reading recently, but I'm sure I'll make my way back to it in the new year.
I remember starting to read this at school but never finished. Might have to get a copy, the tv show seems pretty interesting so far.
looks like lots of forum buddies rolling in
I feel very mixed on Goodreads. They don't really take advantage of the social network aspect (not as poorly as Spotify, don't get me started on Spotify's squandered social aspects), it's kind of insane that if someone follows you, you automatically follow them back and the controls to remove them are deeply nested, the aggregate and top reviews are reliably unreliable, and the interface hasn't been improved since I signed up. But I like it for keeping track of what I've read and what I want to read.looks like lots of forum buddies rolling inhavent used GR in years really, but I think it's very cool and this is inspiration to start up again.
Here's what I'm reading right now.
View attachment 23244
So...apparently this has been making big waves this year. It just came out here in the US in September, and I just found out about it last week. The premise is this: you're reading every fragmented thought of the narrator, with no paragraph breaks or periods, and the repeated phrase "the fact that" - and it's nearly 1,000 pages long. There is a b-story going on that is much more straightforward and written in the traditional way, but that barely makes up much of this novel. The bulk of it, and it is a huge, bulky novel to carry around, is daunting to say to least. But I read the concept and was pulled in right away. It takes some getting used to, and it's definitely not for everyone, but I'm already finding it really addictive. It's difficult to find places to stop though as there are no chapters at all, it's essentially wall to wall text. I've read some lengthy books in my time, but this will probably prove to be the most difficult honestly. I've never read something like this in my life, and I look forward to seeing how it all unravels.
Here's what I'm reading right now.
View attachment 23244
So...apparently this has been making big waves this year. It just came out here in the US in September, and I just found out about it last week. The premise is this: you're reading every fragmented thought of the narrator, with no paragraph breaks or periods, and the repeated phrase "the fact that" - and it's nearly 1,000 pages long. There is a b-story going on that is much more straightforward and written in the traditional way, but that barely makes up much of this novel. The bulk of it, and it is a huge, bulky novel to carry around, is daunting to say to least. But I read the concept and was pulled in right away. It takes some getting used to, and it's definitely not for everyone, but I'm already finding it really addictive. It's difficult to find places to stop though as there are no chapters at all, it's essentially wall to wall text. I've read some lengthy books in my time, but this will probably prove to be the most difficult honestly. I've never read something like this in my life, and I look forward to seeing how it all unravels.
This seems either incredibly up my alley or like the most off-putting thing I'd ever read. I love a good, big book, but stream-of-consciousness can really smack me down on my butt.
This seems either incredibly up my alley or like the most off-putting thing I'd ever read. I love a good, big book, but stream-of-consciousness can really smack me down on my butt.
Yeah I don’t have much experience reading this kind of stream of consciousness writing, so it’s a learning curve. And I bet it’ll annoy a ton of people with how it’s written. But I’m finding it kind of accessible, more than I thought it would be.Whereas this seems like something I would loathe. Lol. It gives me too much anxiety to not have a stopping place.
Yeah I don’t have much experience reading this kind of stream of consciousness writing, so it’s a learning curve. And I bet it’ll annoy a ton of people with how it’s written. But I’m finding it kind of accessible, more than I thought it would be.
Haha I totally get that. I'm committing myself to finishing it even if it gets unbearable. I've only been able to read a little bit right now, and I have so much more to go. I hope I can do it.It does sound eccentric and different enough for me to attempt it. I just also know myself. I would start reading, not really like it but not want to admit defeat. So I would set it aside for a day. And the day would turn into a week. And I wouldn't have picked up another book so I would just not be reading.
Haha I totally get that. I'm committing myself to finishing it even if it gets unbearable. I've only been able to read a little bit right now, and I have so much more to go. I hope I can do it.
I remember how mind-blown high-school-me was picking up his first Palahniuk and seeing no quotation marks. "This guy's a mother-flippin' rebel!"No punctuation? I don't even like it when authors don't use quotation marks for dialogue.
There are tons and tons of commas, but that’s it.No punctuation? I don't even like it when authors don't use quotation marks for dialogue.