Mr Moore
Well-Known Member
How did you like The Name of the Rose? I recently read Foucault's Pendulum and while I enjoyed it, I also found it a little too intellectual and not, I dunno, character- or really plot-based enough to really keep my interest all the time.
I'm also hoping to read In Cold Blood very soon. It's another title that's been high on my to-read list for too long.
The Name of the Rose was a bit of a disappointment to be honest. It wasn't bad per se but the mystery element that I was particularly excited about was not really that mysterious and the solutions could have seemed sort of Scooby Dooish under a lesser writer if that makes sense. I'd only read Eco's Island of the Day Before prior to this and remember really digging it at the time. I wouldn't say NotR is bad, it just didn't live up to my expectations and the often lengthy Latin paragraphs left me scratching my head if they weren't instantly followed by an explainer in English which only happens some of the time.
In Cold Blood on the other hand was mesmerising. It's the first true crime novel I've ever read I think and it truly is a masterclass in narrative journalism. How much Capote took liberties I guess I'll never know but it sort of doesn't matter. As a novel it is just wonderful, classy writing about the most abhorrent aspects of certain people.