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As a Sanderson-allergic nerd in a literary world dominated by Sanderson (my last job was with a Mormon company, and every other software engineer was stoked for the new Stormlight book), I get some giddy schadenfreude from seeing this Wired columnist fold him like a card table:
Brandon Sanderson Is Your God
He’s the biggest fantasy writer in the world. He’s also very Mormon. These things are profoundly related.www.wired.com
I will say some of the things said are low blows (what nerd hasn't worn a blazer with a graphic tee? It's a mistake we must all grow through).
edit: In finishing the full article, I'm left with a bad taste in my mouth. While I really dislike Brandon Sanderson on the basis of his work, he's an overall generous presence (I've listened to his podcast and watched some of his writing lectures) and the piece belies Frank Grimes levels of resentment from a writer who can't square disliking the art with liking the artist's guest shower.
I'm in the weird position of having met him a few times while never having read any of his novels (I worked at the BYU Bookstore in my college days, but I'm much more likely to read sci fi than fantasy), and I can say he's a really nice guy, including to us employees (something I can say was not true of multiple other authors I met on the job*), and that he was always gracious with his time to the fans that came to signings and such.
*For the record, the weirdest interaction with a "celebrity" in that job was Senator Orrin Hatch, who at that point had been in the senate for something like 327 years. He wanted to find a book, and I was the employee at the desk, but he only spoke the aide standing next to him, who then spoke to me. The interaction and finding the book took several minutes, but he never once spoke a word directly to me.