The party's over, and your guests won't take a hint. Play something that makes them want to leave.
I got turned onto this band about a month ago from a friend who has a much richer past than she will willingly discuss.
At a dinner party, she mentioned that she had a particular liking for "world" musics and "noise." I asked if she meant stuff like Wolf Eyes and Hair Police. Her response was "no, noisier." She then recommended I check out this band.
I found a few clips on YouTube... they were confounding. They were startling. They were needlessly but effortlessly aggressive and confrontational. They were the opposite of anything you have ever heard that is "music."
When I described this music to my wife, I put it like this: imagine you are in a dark room. Tied to a chair. There's steam and it's damp. The walls are all concrete and metal. And you know you are about to be viciously murdered. This music is what is happening in your head while you listen to your murderer's deranged shouts, accusations, and declarations.
And if there's ever people here I want OUT of my house, this is going on. Loud. And I will silently lay on the couch with this at full blast until I am sure the coast is clear. Because fuck you it's 3am and I don't need to hear your "funny story."
Below is a link to a youtube video for a clip from this LP. It's embedded in a box because of the artwork, taken from an 80's era reissue which replaced the original artwork with a photo of a decomposing mummy.
You've been warned.