I'm excited to waste so much time this weekend spookifying both my island and myself
I'm excited to waste so much time this weekend spookifying both my island and myself
I haven’t seen any new crafts other than one villager gave me recipe for spooky candy something. I will make it. Unless I see it for sale. But that’s a little weird if it’s done that way.I was surprised that the spooky items in Nooks each day seem to be the same ones you can craft. So you have the option to craft OR buy them.
I have a scarecrow too if you want it. I think we're friends in the game?
I haven’t seen any new crafts other than one villager gave me recipe for spooky candy something. I will make it. Unless I see it for sale. But that’s a little weird if it’s done that way.
I was surprised that the spooky items in Nooks each day seem to be the same ones you can craft. So you have the option to craft OR buy them.
I have a scarecrow too if you want it. I think we're friends in the game?
I got my hands on a scarecrow, but thanks anyway!
And yeah, looks like there's a different item from the halloween DIYs for sale at Nook's every day, so I'm not too sure what the benefit of getting the recipes is unless you just want to make a bunch of them (or if you are a completionist like I am). So far I have the spooky candy DIY (from a villager this morning), and the pumpkinhead scarecrow thing DIY (which I think I shot down from a balloon, but I don't remember). I'm guessing at least some of the items (wand, floor, wall, rug) won't show up at Nook's and will need to be crafted, but idk.
There's still a benefit to growing pumpkins though, because they're needed in order to customize the items (regardless of whether they came from DIYs or Nook's).
I've gotten three DIYs so far. Two from neighbors and one from a balloon. But two of them have been in Nooks the last two days.
Yesterday I had aWhat did you have at Nook's? I had the arch yesterday, and the table today...wondering if it's the same for everyone, or just a random item
What did you have at Nook's? I had the arch yesterday, and the table today...wondering if it's the same for everyone, or just a random item
I'm pretty sure it's random. Yesterday was the candy set and today was the lantern.
How about costumes at Ables? We had the mage's cloak yesterday and the mage's shoes today. I'm honestly hoping for some costumes for guys.
Planted a ton, got a few and made some stuff. On our first planting of a bunch, we got every color. But I now realize I should have made our pumpkin patch bigger. So I might add a second one somewhere else on the island. I'm enjoying it a lot, but I hope there are more recipes than what I have seen.How's everybody doing with the pumpkins so far? My wife and I kind of staggered the planting, so we have some showing up almost every day now. That being said, we still haven't had any green ones yet, although I haven't played today yet.
How's everybody doing with the pumpkins so far? My wife and I kind of staggered the planting, so we have some showing up almost every day now. That being said, we still haven't had any green ones yet, although I haven't played today yet.
I added a second group yesterday, because my main patch didn't yield any yellow ones. Apparently each plant will just keep growing the same color, so unless you swap them out for new starters you'll keep not getting green ones. My plan is to see what the second patch yields, and hopefully can swap out some of my main plants with ones that'll grow yellow.
Planted a ton, got a few and made some stuff. On our first planting of a bunch, we got every color. But I now realize I should have made our pumpkin patch bigger. So I might add a second one somewhere else on the island. I'm enjoying it a lot, but I hope there are more recipes than what I have seen.
Apparently though, once you pick a certain color pumpkin, you can plant that again and grow the same colors somewhere else. Or at least that's what I saw on YouTube.