First impressions of the 6000A:
Build quality is top-notch! This kit is very robust and built to last. I love the minimalist look of the 6000A.
The front controls are well designed and easy to use. The mode function allows you to use it as a dedicated pre or power amp giving you the option to upgrade further down the road.
I really like the auto shut-off function, where the amp shuts itself down after 20 min of inactivity (no signal).
The 6000A is a very capable class AB integrated amp that sounds good out-of-the-box. It punches well above its price point

In other words it's an unbelievable value for the dollar

The overall sound quality is very good. The presentation is clean, neutral, and well balanced. Plus the bass response is very tight and well defined

The clarity and detail is also remarkable. Pair it with warm sounding loudspeakers such as the Lintons, the lack of midrange warmth and colour becomes a non issue.
The built-in DAC is equally impressive, producing a high level of playback quality.
As for the phono stage on the 6000A, I've yet to try it. Stay tuned!