The Super Thread - All Things Marvel/DC/Etc

No mid-credit scene, but there is a post-credit scene.

Given all the reshoots and test screenings that were reported, it's not all that surprising that this was a dog's breakfast of a movie. It's trying to do too much taking from too many places, leaving a lot of things feeling like they didn't get enough. Nelson and Esposito both worked wonders with what they were given, but both of them were short-changed as well. Anthony Mackie did well with what he was given as well, but what he was given was all over map uneven.

Overall, it felt like the awkward transition between the MCU going too fast and furious into what's supposed to course corrected going forward. Some loose ends get tied up and some set up is in place for what's to come, but it's easily the weekest of the Captain Americs movies.

Despite not being a great, or even good, movie, I still enjoyed myself. Big dumb comic book fun.

We gave it the same rating on Letterboxd! I went in with pretty low expectations but I thought it was perfectly fine for what it was. However...

I'd say a lot of people looking forward to seeing a Captain America movie are going to be disappointed when they instead get a sequel to The Incredible Hulk that doesn't have the Hulk in it. That seems like an odd choice to me but the film as a whole just sort of feels like a shrug.

It seems like they didn't quite know what they wanted to do with Sam Wilson's Cap beyond having him lead a new version of the Avengers, but also realized that they couldn't jump directly into that from F&TWS and so went into his solo movie without a strong story idea for him. I think they cobbled together something surprisingly cohesive for all the talk of reshoots and re-edits but it also feels like a lot was left on the cutting room floor. For a movie where there's meant to be an intricate revenge plot cooked up by a mastermind the actual story didn't have that many big twists & turns.

I feel like their biggest mistake with the rollout of this movie was putting all the Red Hulk stuff in the trailers. I guess they didn't really have a choice after the cat was let out of the bag by McDonald's Happy Meal toys, but considering that's the entire climax of the movie, it really ruined any suspense this could have had. I think a lot of the stuff with Ross would have hit a lot harder if we didn't already know how his story was going to end, especially since I found Harrison Ford's performance to be one of the highlights of the film.

Those are just my criticisms, though, and with my venting out of the way I feel the need to reiterate I liked more than I disliked, at least enough to give it a positive rating by my metric. I'm sure others will disagree but I found it to be enjoyable popcorn entertainment, even if I do feel like Anthony Mackie deserved better for his first big solo outing as Captain America.
We gave it the same rating on Letterboxd! I went in with pretty low expectations but I thought it was perfectly fine for what it was. However...

I'd say a lot of people looking forward to seeing a Captain America movie are going to be disappointed when they instead get a sequel to The Incredible Hulk that doesn't have the Hulk in it. That seems like an odd choice to me but the film as a whole just sort of feels like a shrug.

It seems like they didn't quite know what they wanted to do with Sam Wilson's Cap beyond having him lead a new version of the Avengers, but also realized that they couldn't jump directly into that from F&TWS and so went into his solo movie without a strong story idea for him. I think they cobbled together something surprisingly cohesive for all the talk of reshoots and re-edits but it also feels like a lot was left on the cutting room floor. For a movie where there's meant to be an intricate revenge plot cooked up by a mastermind the actual story didn't have that many big twists & turns.

I feel like their biggest mistake with the rollout of this movie was putting all the Red Hulk stuff in the trailers. I guess they didn't really have a choice after the cat was let out of the bag by McDonald's Happy Meal toys, but considering that's the entire climax of the movie, it really ruined any suspense this could have had. I think a lot of the stuff with Ross would have hit a lot harder if we didn't already know how his story was going to end, especially since I found Harrison Ford's performance to be one of the highlights of the film.

Those are just my criticisms, though, and with my venting out of the way I feel the need to reiterate I liked more than I disliked, at least enough to give it a positive rating by my metric. I'm sure others will disagree but I found it to be enjoyable popcorn entertainment, even if I do feel like Anthony Mackie deserved better for his first big solo outing as Captain America.

Fully agree!
We gave it the same rating on Letterboxd! I went in with pretty low expectations but I thought it was perfectly fine for what it was. However...

I'd say a lot of people looking forward to seeing a Captain America movie are going to be disappointed when they instead get a sequel to The Incredible Hulk that doesn't have the Hulk in it. That seems like an odd choice to me but the film as a whole just sort of feels like a shrug.

It seems like they didn't quite know what they wanted to do with Sam Wilson's Cap beyond having him lead a new version of the Avengers, but also realized that they couldn't jump directly into that from F&TWS and so went into his solo movie without a strong story idea for him. I think they cobbled together something surprisingly cohesive for all the talk of reshoots and re-edits but it also feels like a lot was left on the cutting room floor. For a movie where there's meant to be an intricate revenge plot cooked up by a mastermind the actual story didn't have that many big twists & turns.

I feel like their biggest mistake with the rollout of this movie was putting all the Red Hulk stuff in the trailers. I guess they didn't really have a choice after the cat was let out of the bag by McDonald's Happy Meal toys, but considering that's the entire climax of the movie, it really ruined any suspense this could have had. I think a lot of the stuff with Ross would have hit a lot harder if we didn't already know how his story was going to end, especially since I found Harrison Ford's performance to be one of the highlights of the film.

Those are just my criticisms, though, and with my venting out of the way I feel the need to reiterate I liked more than I disliked, at least enough to give it a positive rating by my metric. I'm sure others will disagree but I found it to be enjoyable popcorn entertainment, even if I do feel like Anthony Mackie deserved better for his first big solo outing as Captain America.
This echoes my thoughts. Overall, I liked it. It was a great popcorn flick and had really good action scenes. That said...

It felt like they were channeling Winter Soldier but with a more flimsy premise and not as good a writing team. This thing had 5 screenwriters and I don't think they all worked together. It felt very pieced together. Ruth is the Widow stand-in. Sidewinder/Isaiah/the other brainwashed are the Winter Soldier. The Leader is Zola and Hydra pulling the strings.

I think they were dead on about Sam is more aspirational because he's not a super soldier who took a serum to be great. I also like that they can add in a more realistic storyline about how our country views some of its citizens and our past and it not appear "woke" which automatically turns off the very people who need to see this type of storyline. The Isaiah Bradley comic is great and I loved that this movie and the Falcon show leaned into it.

I liked F&WS with the exception of it too didn't give Sam a good enough story to play against. Flagsmasher was such a bad choice when they had a good story about displaced people due to the Blip but didn't go strongly enough into it due to budget and writing. There was supposed to be virus storyline that got dropped because of Covid.

I'm excited to see what Thunderbolts* brings and for what's next with Sam as the leader of a reconstituted Avenger.
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Finally got around to watching Echo, as I wanted to make sure I was caught up on Fisk's story before Born Again fires up next week. I really enjoyed it.