This Is Jeopardy! (Halloween Edition): The October 2023 Vinyl Spin Challenge Thread

October14This voodoo spirit gives Charles Lee Ray a form of quasi-immortality. This album also features a musician who goes by their three names like a serial killer.

Who is... Damballa from Child's Play. This is Lonnie Liston Smith and the Cosmic Echoes - Cosmic Funk (not to be confused with Dr Lonnie Smith who goes by the more medical non "serial killer" name)

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October15The shoulda-been-dead-already killer in this movie franchise is a hooker. This album came out when the title of the movie hints.

What is I Know What You Did Last Summer? and what is Jeff Rosenstocks' "Hellmode" (2023 Polyvinyl)?
Hellmode was released on September 1st 2023.

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I suppose technically September 1st 2023 is "last summer" but we'll have to go the judges on this one. 😜
October10This long running movie franchise is named after an unlucky date. This album/band also has a number in its name.

I have a lot of catching up to do. Wasn't able to spin much this week with work. But caught up this morning with a few while the wife slept in.

What is Friday the 13th?

Razen - Hier L'an 4000
Bonus that every track is a series of numbers.

Judges: The difference between "last" and "this" in the context of time (this weekend, last weekend, this summer, last summer) is ambiguous. At some point, "this" becomes "last", but when that moment occurs is not clearly defined and depends on context, and further on regional differences in language. The dictionary definition of "last" in this context is "most recent in time or the latest". Given that we are now in October, the possibility that "last summer" intends to represent the summer of 2023 is one possible interpretation of the statement and is therefore acceptable.
Judges: The difference between "last" and "this" in the context of time (this weekend, last weekend, this summer, last summer) is ambiguous. At some point, "this" becomes "last", but when that moment occurs is not clearly defined and depends on context, and further on regional differences in language. The dictionary definition of "last" in this context is "most recent in time or the latest". Given that we are now in October, the possibility that "last summer" intends to represent the summer of 2023 is one possible interpretation of the statement and is therefore acceptable.

Time, like birds, ain't real.
Day 15: The shoulda-been-dead-already killer in this movie franchise is a hooker. This album came out when the title of the movie hints.

It’s kinda hard to tell when “last” summer is when the season’s just ended, but I decided to follow @Turbo’s lead somewhat.

What is “Bewilderment” by Pale Jay?


It’s an album that came out on August 18th, 2023.
October15The shoulda-been-dead-already killer in this movie franchise is a hooker. This album came out when the title of the movie hints.
I'm aware what the answer of this should be now but I kinda misunderstood the prompt and first thought of:
What is... Frankenhooker. The movie title hints to me that it was released in 1990 much like this album: Lush - Gala
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Still it fits and plus I dont have anything released last summer - unless you mean 2022
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October15The shoulda-been-dead-already killer in this movie franchise is a hooker. This album came out when the title of the movie hints.

Oops, meant to try and catch-up and post in order but I fear being scooped, I think this is the only thing I have that fully fits the prompt.

EDIT: "Sunshine" is still perfect.

What is Steve Lacy - Gemini Rights

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October15The shoulda-been-dead-already killer in this movie franchise is a hooker. This album came out when the title of the movie hints.

Oops, meant to try and catch-up and post in order but I fear being scooped, I think this is the only thing I have that fully fits the prompt.

EDIT: "Sunshine" is still perfect.

What is Steve Lacy - Gemini Rights

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Oooo, a red swingline! Do not touch this man's red swingline!