Time for Some Play Action: The Fantasy Football Thread

and now, to close this season.....

Formal congratulations to @HAIMtime for the win, while commiserations go to @manonkouch for the narrow defeat.
You two went at it with wild abandon and big scores!
Bravo but no potato for @TenderLovingKiller® for his 3rd place and his bravery to attempt claiming part of the pot, and sorry about that 4th place for @Jonathan Y (you were somewhat close, but not enough).

funds have been transferred to @HAIMtime now, who's formally and legally required to invest them in vinyl records.
He is also required to post on here evidence of said investment, for us to judge severely his taste and personal choices.

On the other hand, and as a personal form of punishment I will force myself to buy a record from an artist I truly dislike and post the evidence here, again to allow you all to ridicule my poor judgment in player choices, terrible QB selection and general ignorance/bad luck throughout the season.

Once again, congrats to you all for participating, it has been "fun".
See you all again next year for a new season of this mess.