Vinyl Me, D: A Free Record Club - Year 3 Official Thread - 36 Winners - Like The First Post, You're In For 2025 - 147 Free Records Given Away So Far

Impeccable job with the spoiler free tease. I've tried to suss out the snippet of the label i can see, but had no luck.

Remember - there are 3 different records this month going to the 9 winners. That may not be your LP. Or it totally may be your record. Or not. Or maybe I didn't even send you a record and just paid $35 to ship you a really sturdy empty box. Who knows!!????!!

That's not your record.
I have sent away 3 different titles this month to the 9 winners. While the shipment to Canada and Australia are still awaiting a final touchdown (two different records), one of the LPs has hit all three targets so here's the first of the triumvirate...

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I have sent away 3 different titles this month to the 9 winners. While the shipment to Canada and Australia are still awaiting a final touchdown (two different records), one of the LPs has hit all three targets so here's the first of the triumvirate...

Thank you again so much! Really enjoying this! I'm a HUGE sucker for Xmas albums.

I appreciate you!
I have sent away 3 different titles this month to the 9 winners. While the shipment to Canada and Australia are still awaiting a final touchdown (two different records), one of the LPs has hit all three targets so here's the first of the triumvirate...

Thank you so much, Uncle D. I was not familiar with this artist by name but obviously knew of him once I looked. I love being introduced to something or someone I've missed out on. I've since given a few listens to his debut solo album and see that he has a RSD BF release this year that I may need to grab. Thanks again. Cheers!
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Looks like all records are tucked warmly into their new shelves with the exception of @avecigrec. As the Canadian postal strike may end tomorrow or may end a year from tomorrow, I'm going to reveal the last two records to give folks an opportunity to purchase and enjoy for a few weeks if they like.

Record #2...


Record #3...


Happy holidays everyone!
A couple days later than planned, but 3 bonus December records have boarded the USPS sleigh and are likely headed in the opposite direction of where they're supposed to be going.

I did a very minimal VMD sticker revamp and these three LPs are the trial run.

I'm proud of myself for staying ahead of the chains so far this year. Will draw for January on Christmas.