Vinyl Me, D: A Free Record Club - Year 3 Official Thread - 36 Winners - Like The First Post, You're In For 2025 - 147 Free Records Given Away So Far

Updated VMD distribution map. France has entered the chat.

I need an Asian, African, Antarctician and South American winner to complete the continental cycle.

Like that first post, folks.

Just how wild would it be for me to send one of my weirdo records to someone in the South Pole?

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Updated VMD distribution map. France has entered the chat.

I need an Asian, African, Antarctician and South American winner to complete the continental cycle.

Like that first post, folks.

Just how fucking wild would it be for me to send one of my weirdo records to someone in the South Pole?

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This red dot is right on my garden. Thank you again @Yer Ol' Uncle D and I agree with @Mather / NightMather. Yer D Best Of Us.
April records will ship this week.

I'm ahead of schedule again so you know what that means -


Plus, at the rate we're going, the rest of the world is either going to hate me or blow me up and I don't want these sweet sounds going to waste. As long as I'm VMD CEO, I promise no tariffs and love to everybody.




DM incoming.
Did a double dip last month, had a record going to France and kinda fell behind.

Trying to get ahead of the chains for April...

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A PSA for the winners - First off - I absolutely love folks showing their excitement about receiving a record and giving their feedback about the music. THANK YOU and keep it coming.
I forgot to post in THIS thread! but I did post about it over here when I got the BB King album! thanks tio! love the sticker!
April bonus record winners have responded, and their record is chosen.

It's not even mid-March and I've given away 6 records for April. I don't see any reason to slow down since the idiot re-elected by the dumdasses in my country is hell-bent on imploding the world. Times a'wastin'. Let's make it 9...





DM incoming.