Vinyl Me, D: A Free Record Club - Year Two Official Thread - 36 Winners - Like The First Post, You're In For 2024 - 108 Free Records Given Away So Far

Looks like the goods are at their proper coordinates.

VMD II Vol. 2...

Jack White's "Oh shit, I'm in trouble" face at 2:20 is priceless.

December drawing on Sunday 11-12-23.

Just now seeing that this was this month's pick. Stellar! I've been hoping Cave makes another album like this for a long time. One of his very best. I hope the lucky winners enjoy this as much as they should! Good job, D, melding the maximum of generosity and taste!

Time to pull 3 new winners for December.

Here we go...




DM incoming.

December will be a multi-record giveaway...