Vinyl Me, D: A Free Record Club - Year Two Official Thread - 36 Winners - Like The First Post, You're In For 2024 - 108 Free Records Given Away So Far

I don't think mine came with the DVD either. But I could be wrong... I have no means to play DVDs, so they get tucked away to a "maybe eventually... it would be cool to watch this" place 😂
mine was also dvd-less. which is hnestly just as well, I very likely wouldn't have bothered with the video
I don't even have a DVD player these days, even though I have a ton stored around the house. Probably should buy a cheap one at some point. Mostly music docs I wouldn't mind watching occasionally.
I don't even have a DVD player these days, even though I have a ton stored around the house. Probably should buy a cheap one at some point. Mostly music docs I wouldn't mind watching occasionally.

We don't even have a TV so it's a multistep process here... but same on content - it's all music docs and concerts. Bunch Prince, BÖC and DBT especially. Also I have a few versions of Sun Ra's Space Is The Place movie at this point too!