Vinyl Me Please Anthology

Maybe but VMP didn't sell this as exclusive releases and more as reissues of OOP vinyl and never before pressed releases. I looked back at my emails from them, none said exclusive releases. This was sold as "Six albums that chart the evolution of Ghostly International into one of the most eclectic electronic labels ever". The other email says:
Announcing Vinyl Me, Please Anthology: The Story of Ghostly International — an immersive journey in celebration of the label's 20th anniversary. Limited to 500 + featuring six albums that chart the evolution of Ghostly International into one of the most eclectic electronic labels ever.
10/28 - Early access discount sale begins
Only 500 available
6 album, 8LP, colored vinyl box set
3 vinyl debuts + 3 out of print albums

Yeah it's true that they never said it was exclusive. I think the issue is that most people are assuming it is based on the prior box sets and the whole "never before on vinyl! long out of print and first time being repressed!" or whatever the specific language was. You're totally right that they never said it was exclusive... but they never said it wasn't, either. They never said WHAT it was, and that's my problem. I just want them to be straight up about what we're getting so people aren't making guesses and assumptions and then spending hundreds of dollars based on those guesses and assumptions. It's not like VMP isn't aware that exclusivity is an important part of these limited pressings.

You're also right that BN repressed Montara. Which, I don't now, I don't feel much about that either way. But at least it wasn't literally on preorder from a major distributor at the same time we were signing up for the box.

Anyway, I like VMP's product. I just want to know what I'm getting into and don't feel blindsided when it turns out my assumptions are all wrong. I hope there aren't people that stretched their budget to buy this box, assuming this would be their only chance... only to find out that the records would be widely available for cheaper.
Has everyone seen this? Looks like we may get 10-12 anthologies next year. PLUS another one before the end of this year. Whoaaaaaa

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Has everyone seen this? Looks like we may get 10-12 anthologies next year. PLUS another one before the end of this year. Whoaaaaaa

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Oh wow, okay, well. I guess I'm not going to be an anthology completionist at this price point. No way I can justify 200+ per month on these things. I mean, good for them... can't imagine they're going to sustain the Motown box level of quality at that pace but we'll see.
Has everyone seen this? Looks like we may get 10-12 anthologies next year. PLUS another one before the end of this year. Whoaaaaaa

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That's crazy. When they came out with the first one I thought the whole point of it was to make a really premium product by taking their time with it, and they attached this sort of prestige to it. Becoming a monthly thing is the exact opposite of that, and there's no way it won't lead to way more fuck-ups like they had with the Blue Note one.
That's crazy. When they came out with the first one I thought the whole point of it was to make a really premium product by taking their time with it, and they attached this sort of prestige to it. Becoming a monthly thing is the exact opposite of that, and there's no way it won't lead to way more fuck-ups like they had with the Blue Note one.
That was the initial thought with their exclusives back in 2015/2016 as well. They'd have 1-3 exclusives per month alongside their curated section in their store. Then it absolutely ballooned to 8-10 per month and now its settled down a bit. But I'd think this would go much the same way.

Despite the shenanigans, I really enjoyed the first Anthology. I even toyed with the idea of just being a completionist with the Anthologies since I gave up collecting all the exclusives. However, with this sort of time table, I'm not going to attempt it.
For better or worse, I'm sticking with my purchase. I'll let y'all know what it looks like.

Edit: Yes I do feel like a fucking idiot for buying into this given everything but hey, I love Ghostly as a label so it's worth it for me despite the bullshit.
I'm also sticking with it but I don't think you should feel like an idiot. We know what VMP is and what their business ethics are, I bought this more to support Ghostly and to learn more about what goes on behind the scenes with the label.

It will certainly make me more skeptical of future anthologies but if it's the right label I'll be more than happy to dish some money out to support them. With that being said I don't think music should be exclusive to a small group of people, fans should be able to purchase vinyl of their favorite musicians without the risk of it being sold out and flipped for extraordinary costs, I get why some artists do it, but I don't support that, so this not being exclusive doesn't really bother me.
Has everyone seen this? Looks like we may get 10-12 anthologies next year. PLUS another one before the end of this year. Whoaaaaaa

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am i the only one asking himself how they want to Keep that pace up while still delivering the podcast, the liner note content etc. , still shipping those out of Headquarters and doing quality control ? Just assuming a conservative estimate of 6 anthologies instead of 10-12, that´s lots of hours of podcasts they are generating and lots more of liner notes etc. Until now Storf seems to be primarily responsible for this ( next to the Magazine, classics, etc.). They had qc issues before, but they seem to have a good Job with that on the Motown Anthology, but i just don´t see that Happening for a 6-8 LP box every two months.
am i the only one asking himself how they want to Keep that pace up while still delivering the podcast, the liner note content etc. , still shipping those out of Headquarters and doing quality control ? Just assuming a conservative estimate of 6 anthologies instead of 10-12, that´s lots of hours of podcasts they are generating and lots more of liner notes etc. Until now Storf seems to be primarily responsible for this ( next to the Magazine, classics, etc.). They had qc issues before, but they seem to have a good Job with that on the Motown Anthology, but i just don´t see that Happening for a 6-8 LP box every two months.

They’ll subcontract the QC out to VJ and his revolutionary vinyl scoring system...
I hope this doesn't mean our days of store exclusives & bundles like Guruguru, Mr. Bongo, Fania, Sub Pop, etc. are over... Would be a shame to be totally priced out of some awesome albums.
i think this hits the nail on the head.
to guarantee such a large volume of Anthologies, something gotta give.
so, voila, they transform the gently priced bundles, include them in a box, add one or two podcasts, plus a "community" forum, increase the price of each record by a good 50% and call them anthologies.

It's a pity because bundles were a fantastic gateway to discover and experience new music, compounded by their relatively great price.
I, for one, have no intention to experiment with albums costing up from 35$ each, as it has been for the latest 3 anthologies.
i think this hits the nail on the head.
to guarantee such a large volume of Anthologies, something gotta give.
so, voila, they transform the gently priced bundles, include them in a box, add one or two podcasts, plus a "community" forum, increase the price of each record by a good 50% and call them anthologies.

It's a pity because bundles were a fantastic gateway to discover and experience new music, compounded by their relatively great price.
I, for one, have no intention to experiment with albums costing up from 35$ each, as it has been for the latest 3 anthologies.

Yeah unfortunately it sounds like they're going to ruin anthology. Only took them, what, two releases? One was botched and one was good and now it's full steam ahead.

It's a shame. The concept is good... but oh well. I'm getting over the idea of being a completionist. I can grab a few next year and only if they really interest me.
Excited to know that VMP will be frequently releasing Anthology Box Sets! 😍

What I’m devastated about though is the price point.....Why make it so expensive!?!? 😢

I don’t care about the podcasts at all. I haven’t listened to a single one from Blue Note or Motown. I couldn’t care less about them. Couldn’t care about the ‘fancy’ forums they create for the buyers to discuss the product...

I hate all these extras! I wish we were getting the Crate Diggers ROTM track instead...😅

Also, I hope this Ghostly International Anthology Set flops, because it is overpriced! $33+ per record, that is just a colour variant is ridiculous. You’re making someone buy the whole bundle of 6 records, so why not make it cheaper 🤷‍♂️

I really hope this flops so then VMP might consider dropping the prices down on those Anthology Box Sets! It’s just too overpriced!

Also, I hate how there’s the extra international shipping fee on top........even though I’m subscribed to VMP! 😭😭😭
I’ll only be buying VMP Anthology series that really interest me, like Blue Note & Motown! If it’s something like Sub Pop, then forget it lol

@Heath - Are you proud of me! I didn’t buy the Ghostly International VMP Anthology Box Set! 😜