Well-Known Member
This Is Hardcore!
!!! That might be my favorite one !!!
but it was 98 I thought
This Is Hardcore!
Sonnet is up there for me.Oh wow! I think History is mine, maybe Sonnet too.
I think I’m going to need to get a few of you on here a copy of their second album A Norhern Soul, I think it’s better than their third, Urban Hymns and damn History is a mega tune.
Going to try and word this in a way that prevents @Dead C from smiting me but if YOU choose to do psychedelics strictly as a product of your OWN volition may I suggest doing some homework (if you haven’t already) on the deeper effects of the psychedelic state and perhaps anchor your first experience in a nature setting especially if you opt for mushrooms. While the euphoria is certainly a fun part of psychedelics another large and potentially terrifying part of them includes that of ego death/personal dissolution and I found it to be helpful to understand what can bring about those states so I wouldn’t think I’m having a psychotic break when you get swallowed whole by “it”. Acid can last up to 14 hours on a single hit and that’s a long time for an inexperienced psychonaught to be in an altered state of consciousness while being stuck in their parents place! That being said I’ve had incredible experience with acid in that exact setting but I was already pretty experienced with psychedelics at that point. Ended up having a life changing experience listening to To Pimp A Butterfly in full on acid, incredibly beautiful and moving experience but also absolutely terrifying and traumatic at the same time (just like the album lol). Either way, just make sure you’ve done your homework and understand how powerful psychedelics are and they should be treated more as a spiritual vehicle then a party drug or goofy fun time!
OK Computer and Ladies & Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space were released ON THE SAME DAY!God '97 was such an insane year for British rock records. These two plus OK Computer, Vanishing Point, The Fat of the Land, Be Here Now, Blur, Radiator, In It For the Money, Attack of the Grey Lantern, Songs from Northern Britain...the list is endless!
OK Computer and Ladies & Gentlemen We Are Floating is Space we’re released ON THE SAME DAY!
Also, I always pictured @NathanRicaud as more of an MDMA kinda guy.Thanks for posting this. I made some references to psychedelics in the exclusives thread yesterday and I just don't always think very carefully when I talk about it, anymore. That's why I get paranoid when people start to speak on wanting to do it and I realize, "Oh shit! Not everyone, necessarily, has a lot of experience with this stuff. Maybe I shouldn't be so nonchalant when I speak on it." It can effect us all so differently and it's really hard to remember a time when I was excited about doing anything like that. It's such a casual idea to me now, that I'm hoping to be more aware about how casually I reference it to people who don't have experience with that.
Like anything else, I would listen to/ask someone Iike yourself, or someone else that I knew, who had some sort of insight or experience with it, before hand. On a very basic level, you're going into a disorienting state, if not a re-orienting state, and... well... it can be disorienting. Being disoriented can be scary, because you can start wondering if you're ever coming back. Time is relative and you can let go of that tether and forget that, while you did in fact do a drug, it's still just a drug and will wear off.
I think stuff like this provides some solid information to think about. Although it was long ago, I've had people pissed off at me for giving them things that they went off and acted stupid with. Once you're on your own, you're on your own, and they should have known better. I'm just hoping to be cautious enough about coming across like I'm encouraging anyone to do anything that they could later have some adverse reaction to. But, in my opinion, what you're saying seems like really solid IF you do this advice and not simply YOU SHOULD do this advice.
Honestly, based on what we've seen from Nathan, he projects a very fun emoji filled sticker party energy, but his posts -- especially his musical takes -- suggest someone that's fairly analytical about things. I guess what I'm saying is that, @NathanRicaud isn't some dummy. Just be careful if you do that stuff.
OK Computer and Ladies & Gentlemen We Are Floating is Space we’re released ON THE SAME DAY!
I just thought it was an unboxing video and I find those annoying enough. I really didn’t need a 10 minute Fetish video. Open the god damn CD. Or give it to me. I have a pocket knife 15 seconds tops.
Hey!Imagine coming home from the record store completely blind with both of them and sitting down for a listening session...
Oh my god what has happened to the band that made the bends. MIND BLOWN
And then sitting down later to dive into the spiritualzied one. MIND BLOWN AGAIN.
and then a couple of months later getting a copy of Be Here Now and realising that no one need to here a 72 minute 12 song rock album written and recorded on cocaone...
Be Here Now blew my 13 year old mind
at least the first listen haha
Oh and my 14 year old mind. I actually convinced myself it was a masterpiece for a couple of months...
Then I realised it was bloated and pants!
Plus it got raves in every British publication. I think the critics were snorting the same supply.
Oh and my 14 year old mind. I actually convinced myself it was a masterpiece for a couple of months...
Then I realised it was bloated and pants!
It was also slightly false too. It’s hard to explain to someone who wasn’t in the UK in the 90s but they transcended being a band, and certainly their talents and were a sort of cultural phenomenon. Newspapers needed a piece of them to sell. Also the music press got burned by Morning Glory. They, rightly, deemed it a step down from Definitely Maybe and marked it lower. It then became a cultural phenomenon and they weren’t about to make that mistake twice so they made the opposite one instead![]()
Yeah it definitely felt like they didn't need to actually listen to the record to write the review. It had to be a massive success. I miss those days though, I had to read Select, Vox, and Q every month.
I think Travis' The Man Who was another record that was universally panned and then went on to become massive and beloved.