Ok, I’m just going to give my honest thoughts on The Shaggs’ Philosophy of The World. I don’t care if it seems over the top, but this is how I feel about The Shaggs.
It would be cool owning the record because I definitely see how it’s a record that in a lot of people’s eyes, is genius......and such an album could not be replicated like
@Phaneronic mentioned!
Like this record would make me look smart and like a real music nerd! And nothing is more sexy than an attractive music nerd, right? I’m just joking!

(got you
@Joe Mac )
But at the same time, this record will make me and my collection less attractive. Like do you know how ugly it will look having The Shaggs, and then Destiny’s Child and Britney Spears in the same cube. Like ewwwwww
I mean, I have Bratmobile’s Pottymouth and that’s a really different album to have, but it has so much sex appeal. That album is so raunchy, direct and had this unmatchable hyper sexual energy. It reminds me of a really hot, wooooo topless kinda girl riding those toy bulls at a bar, but the bull is going so fast and crazy! That album just yells “f**k me”!
Vanity 6, like I said before is also a bit dumb and has this super fun energy, but again, it has so much sex appeal, I love it!!! A bit like that pretending to be dumb, flirtatious, I’m a popular teenager kind of sexy aesthetic.
So I can excuse an album like Bratmoble in my collection because it’s sexy and raunchy! But The Shaggs.........this honestly sounds like they are playing at a kids fair and no one cares, which is displayed through their energy and vocals etc
The Shaggs has no sex appeal, and it just makes me giggle and cringe at the same time when I hear their songs. It’s so ugly, I can’t deal. But I know it’s a unique album.
But I need my record collection to be attractive and to replicate my personality. So I’m not going to be getting The Shaggs!
If it was really sexual, maybe, but I’m not getting anything sexy at all from this album. So this album won’t make me look badass and sexy like Bratmobile or cutesy, innocent and adorable like Loretta Lynn. Instead, The Shaggs will make me look like a stoner who has bad taste in food and eats canned food because they’d rather spend their money on cigarettes and crap alcohol
Let’s hope it’s not The Shaggs!